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staff decides when it is needed, and when the County can afford it. He would not want to <br /> promise 2011-12 in a motion at this point. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee, seconded by Commissioner Carey to <br /> authorize the staff and County Attorney to negotiate the most favorable lease/purchase <br /> arrangement possible for the Hillsborough Commons shopping center and as quickly as <br /> practicable present the lease for Board approval, with an appropriate funding plan and <br /> contingent upon LGC approval; and exempt this project from the qualification-based selection <br /> process as allowed by NCGS 143-64.32 and authorize the Manager to retain professional <br /> services as may be needed to develop a program and construction drawings for the leased <br /> premises. <br /> Commissioner Gordon made a friendly amendment to incorporate the additional 15,000 <br /> square feet constructed at the Southern Human Services Center, by 2011-2012 if possible. <br /> Commissioner Foushee seconded this amendment. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 7. Reports <br /> a. Solid Waste Planning Work Group — Recyclables Processing <br /> Recommendation <br /> The Board received a recommendation by the Solid Waste Planning Work Group from <br /> its November 28, 2007 meeting regarding recyclables processing and provided guidance to staff <br /> as necessary. <br /> Solid Waste Director Gayle Wilson introduced Blair Pollack of Solid Waste staff. <br /> Blair Pollack said that he just found out that Orange County achieved almost 48% waste <br /> reduction for 2006-07. This is the best waste reduction rate ever for Orange County and goes <br /> against the trend of North Carolina. There is a request from the work group to make the <br /> operations for collecting recyclables more efficient than they currently are, by moving to a two- <br /> sort processing. This would allow the recycling program to be expanded. He made reference to <br /> the report from the consultant that suggests that the County add a push wall, modify the existing <br /> coverall structure at the landfill, and expand some of the paved area and move towards a more <br /> efficient collection program. Staff is asking the Board to approve in concept the notion of <br /> switching from source-separate recycling to co-mingling recycling for all of the programs, to <br /> allow the staff to create some educational materials for the public and to bars and restaurants to <br /> inform them about that, and to bring the Board a more refined cost proposal. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked if the same materials would be taken out of the waste stream or are <br /> they expanding and Blair Pollack said that they would be the same for now, but the more <br /> efficient collections would enable the County to look at a broader range of materials without <br /> having to expand current staff. <br /> Chair Jacobs said to include in the motion to direct staff to look at additional items to be <br /> taken out of the waste stream. <br /> Gayle Wilson said that when the staff comes back, they would like to discuss at that time <br /> the possibility of cardboard curbside, residential curbside, and the possibility of considering a <br /> ban on CRT's and televisions and monitors. They would also like to do some more research on <br /> rigid plastics at drop-off sites. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked for an elaboration on the statement, "a full service, in- <br /> county Materials Recycling Facilities is not necessary at this time." Blair Pollack said that the <br /> short-term solution enables them to test the markets and whether the private markets can <br /> handle all of the materials that will be brought forward. In a few years, he thinks that there will <br /> have to be a larger transfer facility for recyclables. In 3-5 years, this is a reasonable timeframe <br /> to see whether it would be more economical for the County to build its own facility. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br /> receive the recommendation of the Solid Waste Plan Work Group; direct the Manager to return <br />