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Brian Lowen said that it is his hope that this will remain a significant piece of retail <br /> property, and therefore remain on the tax rolls. <br /> Mayor Stevens said that the Town really wants the County services to stay in this area. <br /> 6. Planning & Transportation Issues <br /> a) County Comprehensive Plan Update <br /> Comprehensive Planning Supervisor Tom Altieri said that the County is updating its <br /> Comprehensive Plan. The plan was originally completed in 1981 and it has been amended <br /> several times since then, but this the first complete update. The County Commissioners have <br /> adopted a process which the staff will follow to update the plan, a timetable, and overarching <br /> guiding principles to guide the development of the plan. The plan will be completed in two <br /> phases. Phase I was completed in the fall of last year and involved development of goals for <br /> the entire plan and the first element of the plan —the County Profile Element or Data Element. <br /> Phase I I is underway and includes the completion of the text for the remaining seven elements <br /> of the plan as well as the objectives to address each of the goals identified during Phase I. The <br /> County has contracted with Roger Waldon of Clarion and Associates, and they are partnering <br /> with staff and advisory boards to prepare the draft plan. <br /> The consultant is preparing the first draft plan and will be presenting it to the advisory <br /> boards. The second draft will be the public hearing draft, which is scheduled for May 19th <br /> During April there will be a series of meetings to begin receiving public input on the draft plan. <br /> He made reference to the informational brochure that was in the packet. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked if the advisory boards would receive a copy of the draft <br /> before the meetings in which they are presented and Tom Altieri said that the consultants' first <br /> meeting is March 5th. This is a meeting between the Planning Board and the Orange Unified <br /> Transportation Board. At that meeting, the consultant will deliver copies of the draft plan, but <br /> they will not be available in advance of that meeting. Immediately following that meeting, staff <br /> will work to distribute copies to the remaining advisory boards. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that it is problematic that the boards would not get it any <br /> sooner. Tom Altieri said that the advisory boards would have until mid-April to complete their <br /> review of the plan and get comments back to the consultants. <br /> b) Hillsborough Area-Orange County Strategic Growth Plan Phase II — Interlocal <br /> Agreement Committee (IAC) <br /> Craig Benedict said that Phase I was completed last year by Clarion and Associates. <br /> Phase I has an urban service area and a future annexation area. There is an area outside of <br /> the urban area that is under Orange County control and is part of the big picture. The big <br /> picture is that this area could have up to 20,000 units at the existing density. Phase I concluded <br /> with a resolution that Orange County and Hillsborough should get back together and develop an <br /> interlocal agreement, which would define the boundaries of future annexation lines, water and <br /> sewer service area, any ETJ areas, uses, etc. Phase II would include an Interlocal Agreement <br /> Committee, and these members would be appointed within the next month. The outcome of <br /> the committee is completion of what was mentioned in the resolution. The plan is for this to be <br /> completed in about four or five months. <br /> There is an existing land use plan that surrounds Hillsborough now. Based on initial <br /> discussions in Phase I, there will probably be some changes. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked about the satellite annexation with low density and if it <br /> would stay like that. Eric Peterson said that Hillsborough would not de-annex it. <br />