Minutes - 20080212
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20080212
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Last modified
3/17/2016 12:26:43 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 2:58:18 PM
Meeting Type
Budget Sessions
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Agenda - 02-12-2008-1
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right. Secondly, there are people who might be willing to jump in and fight for this. In other <br /> states where this has been on the ballot, there have been other business interests who have put <br /> in a lot of money to get it passed. He said that this help has been almost cut off because of the <br /> quick timeframe. He really wants to beat the ones who are fighting this and be as assertive as <br /> possible. He said that the only way to pursue the timing is to delay this until November. <br /> Commissioner Foushee said that, over the last couple of weeks when she considers <br /> what needs to be done to educate the public, she realizes that the time between now and May <br /> 6th may not be adequate. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she would like to concentrate on what will be done with <br /> the money and explain the County Commissioners' intent for the proceeds. As far as the timing, <br /> she would rather go forward on May 6th. She thinks that whether it passes or not is going to <br /> depend on how it is explained why the money is needed and what will happen if the County <br /> does not get the money—either with the sales tax or the land transfer tax. <br /> Commissioner Carey asked if the committee sufficiently understands the unfunded <br /> capital needs of the County and the fact that there is no revenue to cover those needs. Rod <br /> Visser said that the committee understands this at a macro level and that there is a need for <br /> additional revenue. <br /> Commissioner Carey said that people have been paying attention to this matter of <br /> needing more funds since last year, and everybody objects to the continued increase in property <br /> tax. He would like to go forward in May and make a clear statement about how the money is <br /> going to be used, which is to provide some relief from continued increases in property taxes. <br /> Commissioner Nelson said that he agreed with a lot of what Commissioner Carey just <br /> said. He also agreed that the County Commissioners should be very clear with the voters on <br /> what the money will be used for. From his perspective, he thinks that the money should be <br /> spent on the schools. <br /> Commissioner Foushee agreed and said that if this is going to be successful it should be <br /> clear that this money would be dedicated to meeting school construction needs. <br /> Chair Jacobs suggested asking the Manager to put in the agenda packet a clear <br /> message related to schools that can be voted on by the Board. He also thinks that it should be <br /> clear that this will be approached in an equitable manner between the two school systems and <br /> that this is not money to do new projects that have not previously been contemplated. This is <br /> for required projects that are already projected. <br /> Commissioner Carey said that he agrees with clarity and simplicity and he thinks that <br /> schools should be at the top of the priority list, but he does not want to give the schools all of the <br /> money. He said that there are other pent up demands and important needs that will have to <br /> come into play. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that the Manager had a proposal about retiring debt and not <br /> specifically school debt, so there could be two proposed focuses. <br /> Commissioner Gordon suggested crafting the language as specifically as possible, <br /> including capital and projects that will be funded in the next few years, no more than four. <br /> There will definitely be pent up school and park needs. She does not think that people will vote <br /> to reduce the County's debt. <br /> Laura Blackmon agreed that the focus has to be capital needs. She said that it is <br /> important for the public to see a 10-year capital plan. She said that the statement could be that <br /> if the County does not have the alternative revenue source, the projects that are required will <br /> require an increase in property taxes, and other projects will be delayed. <br /> The Board agreed to have the Manager come back with one statement, with the <br /> flexibility to edit it and vote on it. <br /> 4. Proposed 2008-18 Capital Investment Plan <br />
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