Orange County NC Website
173. Meet demand for more information about energy matters such as conservation, green <br /> building, alternative energy, and transportation. <br /> 180. Partner with municipalities, the region, and the state to address climate change concerns <br /> at the local level. <br /> 186. Prepare for expanding storm water rules countywide in response to water and drought <br /> conditions. <br /> 194. Promote Green Building techniques through public educational programs and building <br /> code enhancements. <br /> 201. Pursue open space connectivity and "critical mass." <br /> 203. Reduce county government's emission of green house gases by 25% from 2006 levels by <br /> 2020. <br /> 204. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions within Orange County. <br /> 205. Reduce littering and illegal dumping. <br /> 209. Reinitiate Strategic Growth/Resource Conservation (SGRC) aka TDR implementation after <br /> Comprehensive Plan Phase II public hearing. <br /> 210. Require loads to be properly secured. <br /> 211. Require the use of B100 bio-diesel for all public and private haulers who bring waste to the <br /> landfill or the future transfer station. <br /> 222. Share information from Cultural and Archaeological Surveys in a way that makes history <br /> engaging to the public without compromising the locational integrity of sites. <br /> 232. Support environmental protection as an important and distinct function of Orange County <br /> government. <br /> 233. Support the County's Lands Legacy Program as an important method for protecting the <br /> county's environmental resources. <br /> 235. Support transit, pedestrian, bicycle facilities, and other alternatives to the single passenger <br /> automobile. <br /> 240. Use State of the Environment, Environmental Responsibility Goal, State of the Local <br /> Economy and other"benchmark" reports and policies to holistically address sustainability <br /> within county government. <br /> 242. Water and energy conservation. <br /> F — Ensure a high quality of life and lifelong learning that champions diversity, education <br /> at all levels, libraries, parks, recreation, and animal welfare <br /> 4. Address companion animal issues in a positive and progressive manner, promoting <br /> responsible pet ownership and ensuring humane care. <br /> 7. Address county-wide needs for recreation programs and community centers. <br /> 17. Address the potential importance of the Mountains to Sea Trail corridor. <br /> 18. Address ways of responding to increasing population and service demands and increasing <br /> use of parks and recreation facilities while maintaining the quality, variety, and availability <br /> of parks, recreation, and cultural programs and resources. <br /> 28. Begin planning new southwest library. <br /> 33. Carrboro interest in free standing library. <br /> 47. Consider whether to allow limited access to future park sites prior to park construction in a <br /> manner that does not cause harm to land, buildings, or visitors. <br /> 53. Create a positive and proactive pet overpopulation management program that reduces and <br /> ultimately eliminates the use of euthanasia as a means of population control. <br /> 65. Develop a cooperative program with the library and future heritage center on Orange <br /> County historic and architectural resources, e.g., an oral history program with tapes and <br /> transcriptions available for the public to enjoy and learn from. <br />