Orange County NC Website
PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> Neloa Jones said that she really appreciates the effort that the Board is putting <br /> forth. She read from her prepared statement, as follows: <br /> "My name is Neloa Barbee Jones, and I am speaking on behalf of the Rogers- <br /> Eubanks Community and as Co-Chair of the Coalition to End Environmental Racism. <br /> My comments relate specifically to the site search criteria established thus far. <br /> In mid-November, when we presented before this board, we pointed to TWO <br /> points of special importance: <br /> 1) Establishing an advisory panel (or site search committee) <br /> As recommended by BOTH the National Environmental Justice Advisory <br /> Committee (NEJAC) and the EPA in their Waste Transfer Stations: A Manual for <br /> Decision-Making, establishing this panel is absolutely essential to ensuring meaningful <br /> participation from the residents of Orange County and residents of the Rogers-Eubanks <br /> Community. <br /> Furthermore, this panel should be comprised of local and state elected officials. <br /> It should be comprised of representatives from environmental justice organizations; from <br /> civic, neighborhood, and community groups; from businesses and solid waste industries; <br /> and from academic institutions AS WELL AS technical consultants such as Olver. <br /> According to BOTH NEJAC and the EPA, this diverse panel is FIRST educated <br /> on site search issues and it is THIS panel that develops the initial set of site search <br /> criteria. Already evidenced by the materials thus far developed, having Olver alone, a <br /> technical consultant who lacks expertise to serve in diverse capacities, the present site <br /> search criteria thus presented is clearly and already flawed. <br /> 2) The second point of major importance includes the meaningful participation <br /> of the public and the application of community-specific criteria. For some inexplicable <br /> reason, the process outlined in your flow chart does not include public input OR apply <br /> community-specific criteria until very late in the site search process. Public input should <br /> begin immediately after the advisory panel develops the initial set of criteria. <br /> Community-specific should be applied much earlier in the process. The flowchart shows <br /> that community criteria are not applied until four (4) sites have been finalized. <br /> Developing site search criteria for a transfer station site in this manner violates EPA <br /> recommendations. For these reasons, we view this current process as already and <br /> clearly flawed. <br /> The site search steps listed in Figure 1, Exhibit 1 (attached) merely represent a <br /> COMPRESSED version of the process and were intended merely as an outline. We <br /> assumed that this board along with an advisory panel would do the work that each step <br /> demanded. We are disappointed that this has not been done because what this means <br /> is that the process once again will at best yield flawed results. So at this point, we <br /> implore this board to establish an advisory panel to begin developing appropriate criteria <br /> as soon as possible." <br /> The Board adjourned the meeting at 7:16 p.m. <br /> Barry Jacobs, Chair <br /> Donna S. Baker, CMC <br />