Orange County NC Website
Required Estimated Acreage <br /> Required <br /> Transfer Station Only 10-15 10-15 <br /> Add 5-10 15 —25 <br /> Materials Recovery Facility <br /> NOTE: A stand alone <br /> Materials Recovery Facility <br /> (MRF) is estimated to require <br /> approximately 15 acres,the <br /> same as a Transfer Station. In <br /> combination with a Transfer <br /> Station, the estimated <br /> additional requirement is 5-10. <br /> Add 60 (minimum) 75 — 85 (minimum) <br /> Permanent Facility for 80-100 (ideal) 95 — 125 (ideal) <br /> Managing Storm Debris, <br /> Various Organic Materials, <br /> and Land Clearing/Debris <br /> Recycling Operations <br /> Add 3-5 78—90 (minimum) <br /> Relocation/Modernization of 98— 130 (ideal) <br /> Crew Facilities and Parking <br /> Other Options Estimated Total Acreage Required <br /> New/Emerging Technologies; Waste 40-60 <br /> Conversion i.e. vaporization; <br /> Incineration, Refuse Derived Fuel, etc. <br /> Gayle Wilson said that 100-130 acres would be needed, ideally, to handle most <br /> of the things that the Board might want to consider in the future. He said that co-locating <br /> of facilities makes it easier to share staffing and equipment. He made reference to <br /> buffers and said that if there were a 100-acre square piece of property, and there was a <br /> 100-foot buffer, then 18 acres of the site would be taken up with buffer. The rough <br /> estimate for a buffer is 20% of the property. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked about "other options" and asked if this was an <br /> additional 40-60 acres and Gayle Wilson said yes. He said that the "other options"were <br /> speculative and pretty far into the future. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that the Board has not had a conversation about whether or <br /> not to even consider regional solutions. If this is a possibility, then it should be decided <br /> as early in the process as possible. <br /> Laura Blackmon said that regional considerations would complicate the location. <br /> She said to keep in mind that the immediate issue is that the County needs a transfer <br /> station. She would rather narrow the discussion rather than expand it. <br />