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Commissioner Nelson made reference to the community-specific criteria, and <br /> asked if greenhouse gas emissions would be an example of that and Ed Shuffler said <br /> yes, whatever the community wants that is important to them could be brought forward <br /> to consider. He said that the technical criteria is more for the consultants and is <br /> straightforward. <br /> Commissioner Nelson asked about the exclusionary criteria and asked if there <br /> would be opportunity for input from the Board of County Commissioners and the public. <br /> Ed Shuffler said that exclusionary criteria is fairly simple and is usually not taken to the <br /> public. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked for examples of exclusionary criteria. Ed Shuffler said that <br /> this includes site size, land use and zoning, watershed areas, major highways, etc. <br /> The County Commissioners asked clarifying questions about the meeting <br /> schedule, which were answered by Ed Shuffler and Bob Sallach. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that the idea is to have most of the meetings in the southern <br /> part of the County, where 2/3 of the waste is generated, but there might need to be a <br /> bigger room. <br /> Bob Sallach said that Board of County Commissioners' input is needed on the <br /> detailed schedule. <br /> Laura Blackmon said that most meetings on the schedule are before a regularly <br /> scheduled meeting, which only gives an hour to an hour and a half. February 11th is <br /> listed as a special meeting with 2-3 hours. A lot of it will depend on how long it will take <br /> for the discussion items and public input. There may need to be additional meetings. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that December 11th comes after the new Board is <br /> elected. Laura Blackmon said that this schedule is showing that there is a lot of work <br /> that needs to be done. If this is to be done before the new Board is elected, then some <br /> meetings will have to be lengthened and moved up. <br /> Commissioner Foushee would like to make a site selection before a new Board is <br /> seated and Commissioner Nelson and Commissioner Carey agreed. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that most special meetings indicated are prior to regular <br /> County Commissioners' meetings. Today the meeting started at 5:45 p.m. and he does <br /> not want to move back into the afternoon times, so additional meetings may need to be <br /> added. <br /> Commissioner Carey said that these meetings need to be held no matter what, <br /> even if all five County Commissioners cannot meet. <br /> Chair Jacobs suggested televising the sessions and the Board agreed. It does <br /> not have to necessarily be live, but just available on television. <br /> Discussion ensued on the possible schedule of meetings. <br /> Ed Shuffler said that comments would be taken back to staff and a revised <br /> schedule would be brought back to the County Commissioners. <br /> 4) Discuss Expanded Site Use and Size Requirements <br /> Chair Jacobs explained to Commissioner Nelson that the Board asked staff to <br /> come back with land use maps and potential options to include or exclude on the site. <br /> Solid Waste Director Gayle Wilson said that what really matters on the site size is <br /> how much of the site is usable. He reviewed the following table, which gives proposed <br /> sizes of sites. <br /> Facility Estimated Acreage Cumulative <br />