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o•�lJ -�a�- Uza <br /> b. Text Amendments to Subdivision Regulations and Zoning Ordinance <br /> Planning Director Craig Benedict made this presentation. He said that the text <br /> amendments that are being addressed in the ordinance refer directly to an item that was on the public <br /> hearing agenda on August 23, 1999 and involve the timeframe in which decisions must be made for both <br /> subdivisions and zoning. The original item that was brought before the public hearing removed all <br /> timelines for staff, Planning Board, and the County Commissioners. There were no deadlines on which <br /> decisions would have to be made. Based upon comments made at the public hearing, the staff sent <br /> notices out to the participants of the public hearing and sent additional notices out to another 20 <br /> developers and representatives in the area and met with them in October. Of the 30 notices that were <br /> sent out, only three showed up for discussion about the timelines. The staff then took the information to <br /> an ordinance review committee with the Planning Board to discuss the timelines. As the proposal came <br /> forward to the Planning Board,there were guidelines placed on the decision process for the staff and the <br /> Planning Board. One of the differences is that if a decision is not made within the timeframes, the item is <br /> considered approved without conditions. He said that the amendments now state that the item still moves <br /> forward, but with the original staff recommendations and the minutes of the meetings of the Planning <br /> Board explaining why a decision could not be made within the time period. The item must be heard by <br /> the County Commissioners within 90 days after the Planning Board hears it. The County Commissioners <br /> are allowed to table the item for a "reasonable amount of time." In addition, the language for an appeal <br /> has been modified to give a 15-day period of time for an appeal. <br /> Commissioner Brown clarified that the"reasonable amount of time"was not allowing the <br /> Board to put off the decision, but to ask legitimate questions and actually work on making a decision. <br /> Craig Benedict pointed out that the Planning Board recommends that after the item is <br /> placed on the Board of County Commissioners'agenda,the decision is to be made within 60 days. This <br /> is on the last page of the agenda abstract. This is not his recommendation, but the recommendation of <br /> the Planning Board. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs thanked the staff for giving the Board three proposals. He <br /> suggested that on the bottom of page 30 the wording should be clarified to say, "during deliberations and <br /> consideration of the application,the Board may defer consideration at any point to pursue additional <br /> analysis and review." Also, on page 27, section 4, the wording could be clarified to say, "The Planning <br /> Department shall notify the applicant of its action in writing." <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that he does not agree with the Planning Board about having <br /> a 60-day deadline on the Board's decision. He made reference to the appeal of the preliminary plan of <br /> minor subdivisions and said that the Planning Board is saying that it should come back to them and the <br /> administration is saying that it should come back to the Board of County Commissioners. He asked if <br /> there was a difference between matters of interpretation of the subdivision regulations and policy issues <br /> related to the subdivision regulations. He does not think that the County Commissioners need to be <br /> involved in the appeal process unless it is a policy issue. <br /> Geoffrey Gledhill said that most of the appeals have to do with public versus private <br /> roads. Since staff is in tune with the County Commissioners on that issue, rarely is the staff denying a <br /> private road where it is justified under the regulations. He clarified that the Planning Board's role is as an <br /> advisory board and not a decision-making body. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked if something is referred to the County Commissioners <br /> without a Planning Board recommendation would it be reasonable to refer it back to the Planning Board. <br /> Geoffrey Gledhill said that it would be reasonable. On page 33, section 30, about the application being <br /> sent by certified mail, she feels it should be left as certified mail so there is a receipt indicating that the <br /> application was sent. The Board agreed that the application should be sent by certified mail. <br /> Craig Benedict said that the staff has reviewed some of the State laws on advertising and <br /> they are suggesting, as they go through the comprehensive plan in the future,that there will be some very <br /> thorough and elaborate advertising guidelines. He would like to find other means of communication (i.e., <br /> internet, newspaper, etc.). He said that he would move the statement back to certified mail. <br /> Commissioner Brown feels it is important that the citizens are well served by these <br /> revisions. She would like to see something come back to the Board about public notification of <br /> development. She is concerned that there is not enough time for citizens to respond to development <br /> proposals. She made reference to section nine and asked why the concept plan was extended from one <br /> year to two years. <br /> Craig Benedict said that this would be a benefit to the developer because after a concept <br /> plan is received,there would be a longer time period to resubmit the preliminary plan. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br /> accept the administration's recommendation for text amendments to subdivision regulations and the <br />