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11a <br /> Chair Barrows said that she likes what the staff is tying to do by having the Development Review Committee <br /> meeting. She likes the idea of trying to consolidate everything. However,she is still worried that when it gets to the <br /> Board of County Commissioners it can languish in a comer somewhere. <br /> Woods said they should give the County Commissioners a time limit to approve or reject the applications. He <br /> agrees with the other changes. He disagrees that the site-plan revision deadline is so quickly after the DRC meeting. <br /> He thinks it should be at least two weeks. Davis responded that he looked at doing that,but he would have to put <br /> the filing deadline so much further in advance. Woods emphasized that he felt the Planning Board should ask the <br /> Commissioners to accept or reject the applications in a timely fashion. <br /> Woods asked for clarification in the changes for the appeals process for minor subdivisions. Davis responded that <br /> now the staff determines whether it is a major or a minor subdivision. Early on,the staff proposed that the <br /> classification might be appealed by filing a major subdivision request. In discussions with the Attorney,the <br /> classification is really not up for debate. The appeal for the minor subdivision used to go to the Planning Board. As <br /> it stands right now,there is no appeal for the minor subdivision. <br /> Benedict said that right now if there is a minor subdivision and there is disagreement,the appeal goes to the <br /> Planning Board. With these changes,if there is a disagreement,then it automatically becomes a major subdivision, <br /> and the developer has to process it through a major subdivision. If there is any appeal,it goes to the County <br /> Commissioners. Woods noted that he felt the Planning Board should do the appeals and Katz expressed agreement <br /> with Woods. <br /> Katz said that he had a feeling that the Planning staff was not going to be presumptuous in telling the County <br /> Commissioners how they wanted to handle time limits and that is the reason for this recommendation. The County <br /> Commissioners themselves will set their own limit. He said it is the Commissioners'responsibility. <br /> Chair Barrows said that one of the complaints that she has heard from Commissioners is the planned development <br /> information that comes in that is so large. They have not been able to consider all of the implications in the time <br /> given,and this gives them a little more leeway with these types of things. <br /> Discussion ensued about the timeframe for the County Commissioners. <br /> Benedict said that originally there were three different actions that could be done: approve,approve with conditions, <br /> or deny. Now they are offering a table for more information. <br /> Strayhom said that the table for more information is too open-ended. Benedict responded that the Planning Board <br /> could suggest a threshold for time limits. <br /> Woods said that the schedule changes on this ordinance are good. He does not like the minor subdivisions going to <br /> the County Commissioners. He thinks the repetitiveness of going to the Commissioners again and again should be <br /> resolved with another ordinance change. <br /> MOTION: McAdams moved to accept the changes except that the minor subdivision appeals will <br /> come back to the Planning Board,and the County Commissioners will have 90 days to <br /> hear a proposal and will have 60 days after the report is heard to make a decision. <br /> Seconded by Woods. <br /> Chair Barrows asked for clarification. She asked if tabling for more information is still an option. She is still <br /> worried about a plan that comes in with a huge impact. <br /> Strayhom asked if there could legally be a different set of timefi-ames for different types of projects. <br /> Benedict said yes. There is a direct relationship between the impact of a project based on its size. <br /> He said if the Planning Board goes through with this motion there is no problem with setting thresholds at a later <br /> time. <br />