Orange County NC Website
�I'a t��@ C 0 U n�J1 L I b f a I']I Information Item <br /> 137 W. Margaret Lane. <br /> Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br /> MEMORANDUM <br /> To: Frank W. Cli�ton, County Manager <br /> l�rom; Lucinda Mu�ger, Library Director <br /> Date: 12/1�112 <br /> Subject: Update - Outside Book �rop at Orange County Main Library <br /> On �ecember 5, 2d11, the Board of County Commiss�oners(BOCC) was presented with three options in order <br /> to address a resident's �equest for a free-standin�, drive-by book drop at the Orange County Main Li6rary in <br /> Hillsborough. The BOCC selected opkion 3, which provided for a current space to be °Clearly marked and <br /> have staff monitor use of a "Baok Drop Only" parking spot iocated alang the library �arking next to existing <br /> Handicapper� Parking spaces." At the meefing, fhe Board requested that we pravide a 1 year update on the <br /> customer use and staff monitoring of the library book drop only spac�. <br /> !n February 2012, working with Asset Management, khe staff created a visible c�ange in the book drop only <br /> location, plac�ng new signage and clearly �narking the parking space witi� bot� yellow outlines and red cross <br /> lines as a limited parking lacation. This space is also painted with yellow ko clearly indicate "book drop only" <br /> parking. <br /> Initially, the change in this boak drop s�ace was public�zed through handouts to tne p�blic, as well as the <br /> clearly marked deiineation. Staff regularfy monikored this space and made announcements as necessary#ar <br /> cars to mo�e when they had exceeded the allotted time period of 5 minutes. Since February staff <br /> announcements have reduced from 5 per week in earEy 2012, to one per month in December 2012. In <br /> addit[on, staff has noted that fhis space does indeed stay free and clear for use at least 95% of the time when <br /> all ofher parking is full along the building. <br /> In addition, since implementi�g the new parking spot for book drop use only, circ�lation of materials at the <br /> Orange Caunty Main Li�rary has increased fram 29,5361per month #0 35, 3751�er month, an increase of 19% <br /> or an additional 5,839 per month in circulatian. Because the current practice involves a limited amount of staff <br /> time, allowing them to effectively focus on the increase in daily activity and quality customer service. <br /> In addition, the Library initiated a partnership in April 2012 with the Department of Aging expanding their <br /> current Aging Transitions program referretf to as `Friend to Friend'. This pa�tnership expanded their services to <br /> pra�ide library ser�ices to c�ualified members of this program. The 'Friend' v+rauld pravide pick-up and delivery <br /> of items by volunteers to the library for those seniors unable to easily visit the library. At fhis time, there have <br /> not been any participants registered for this pragram; however, all volunte�rs ha�e been trained or� our <br /> services. <br /> Please Eet me know if you need any additional information. <br />