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5 '�, <br /> � <br /> the meeting (or promptly upon said Speciai Tax Board mem�er's arrival), and such objection sha€1 be entered into the '� <br /> minutes of ihe meeting. Neither the business ta be transac�e�d at, nar the �urpose of, any regular meeting of the Special <br /> Tax Board need be specified in the notiee or waiver af natice of such meeting except in the e�ent af a regular Special Tax <br /> Board t7teeting at which a praposed resolution for the issuance of revenue bonds of t}�e Authority will be consicEered anci � <br /> except as otherwise required hy these �y-laws. IVotice of any speeial meeting af the Special Tax Board shall s�a�e the � <br /> purpose or purposes for which such rrieeting is called. Together with the no�ice of any regular Special Tax Board meeting, <br /> each 5pecia! Tax Board member shall be pro�ided with an agenda lis#ing each and e�ery item upor� which ae�ion is to be <br /> taken at s€�ch meeting. By verbal or written natice to the Clerlc to the Board made three days in advance of said meeting, , <br /> any Special Tax Board member may have any item placed or� said agenda. Any matter may be proposed, discussed, or <br /> debated at a regular rr�eeting of the Special Tax Board, but no iter� may be acted upon unless listed in the aforesaid agenda <br /> or �nless the rnatter is first p�aced upon said agenda by the vote of a majority of the members of the Speciaf Tax Boarc! <br /> presen�or deemed present pursua�t ta Section 6 of this Article V at such regular meeting. ' <br /> Section 6. uorum. Four (4) mem�ers of the 5�ecial Tax Board shall canstitute a quorurr� for the transaction of i <br /> business. Once a quorutn is esta�fished for the transaction of business, a Special Tax Board member who has withdrawn <br /> from a meeting witho�t being excusec! by a rr�ajority vote of the remaining Specia! �"ax Board mem6ers present shall be <br /> counted as present for purposes af determining whether or not a quorum is present. !f a quorurn shal[ not he p�esent <br /> (ir�terpreted to mean �hysically present) at any meetir�g of the Special Tax Board, a majori�y of the Speciaf Tax Board � <br /> members presen# may adjaurn the meeting to another time and p�ace. Notice of any s�ch adjo�rned meeting shall be ;� <br /> given to all S�eeia]Tax 8oard�members in accordance with Section 5 of this Article V. <br /> 5ection 7. Manner_of Actir��. On any questian presented, the nurr�ber of inembers present {interpreted to mean <br /> physically present)shall be recorded by the Cferk to the Board, Each member shall have or�e vote. No action, other than an <br /> actior� to recess or adjourn, shall f�e talcen exc�pt upon a€fi�-mati�e vo�e of �our or more merr�bers of the Special 7ax i <br /> Board. No person shall be entitled to exercise a �roxy vote for any Speeial Tax Board member. Except as provided in <br /> Section 5 of this Ar�icle V, any member attending a meeting may aF�stain �rom vo�ing anly if he or she has a conflict of <br /> interest as determined pursuar�t to law or the Authority's ethics code approved by the Baard from tirr�e �o time. A non- <br /> vote by an attending Special Tax Board merrtber, or by a 5pecial Tax Board m�mber wha has withdrawn without heing <br /> excusecf �ay a majority vote af the remaining members physicafly present or attending via telephonie participation, sha[1 �e <br /> cauntecf as ar� affirrr�ative vote, except when a Special Tax Boarcf rnember attends a rneeting solely for the �urpase of <br /> objecti�g to�he holciing of the meeting ar the transactir�g of any business as prescrihed in Seetinn 5 of this article, or unless <br /> the Special Tax Board rnember has been excused by Special Tax Board action or his or her abstention is ap�aroved pursuant <br /> t0 t�il5��E�1011 7. <br /> Section 8. Vaeancies. Any �acancy occurring among the members of the Special Tax Board by reason of death, <br /> resignation, disq�alification, ir�eapacity to serve, rerr�oval from office in accnrdanc�with law, or otherwise, s�all be filled in <br /> the �anner provided for by the Act. I�o vacancies on the Board shall im�air the power of�he Baard to transact any and all � <br /> bt�siness af the A�thority and perforr� all its duties as provided for by the Aet. - � <br /> Section 9. Parliamentarv Rules. Except where inconsistent with�he Act or these �y-laws, Rober�'s Rules of Order, ' <br /> as from tirne to�ime revised,sha[i go�ern the proceedings of the Special Tax Board and its committees. <br /> Section 10. Rernovaf. Each member of the Special Tax Board may be removed with or witF�aut cause by his/her <br /> appointer�s) pursuar�t to NC GS 160A-607.1. ? <br /> 5ection �.7.. Officers. The Special Tax Board shall elect annually in !an€aary fram among its members a chair, vice- ; <br /> chair, secretary anc�treasurer. � <br /> I <br /> . ��� <br /> �� <br />