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4 <br /> From Triangle Transit By-laws: <br /> ARTICLE V <br /> 5pecia!Tax Board <br /> Sec�ion 1. Genera! Powers, The Special 7'ax Board shall ha�e the pawers and autharity gran�ed by the General <br /> Assemb[y(NC G5 �.60A-607.1) or delegated ta the Speciai Tax BQarc� by the Board of 7rustees. <br /> Section 2. Nurr�ber Ten€�re and ualifications. The Special Tax Board shall be eomposed of six {6) merri6ars, <br /> whose quaEifECations, appoint�nents and terms of office sha!! k�e as provided in NC GS�6QA-6�7.�.as arnended from time to ! <br /> time. <br /> Sectior�3. Meetin�s. The Special 7ax Board shall rneet regularly, anc[ not]ess thar� annual{y, at such places and on I <br /> such dates as are determir�ed by�h�Special Tax Board. Notice o#such meetings shal! be gi�en in accordanee with Sec�ion <br /> 5 of Article V. <br /> Section 4. S ecial Meetin 's. Special meetings of the S�ecial Tax Board tnay E�e called by ti�e Chair of t�e Speciaf � <br /> Tax Board on his/her own initiative, and shai! be called by him/her upon request of two or r��re members of the <br /> baard. Such request shall state the p€�rpose of the praposed special meeting. The persan or persons authorized ta call <br /> special meetings af the Special Tax Board may fix any time and �lace as the�irrte and place for holding any special rneeting <br /> of the Specia] 7ax 8oard called hy them, and such time and place shall be stated in the notice of the special rneeting <br /> required by Section 5 of t�is Ar�ide V, pro�ided �hat th� place si�all be within the territflrial jurisdiction of the Authority <br /> unless a cEifferent place for a special rr�eeting has been approved by the Special Tax Board. The Clerl<to the Board shall be � <br /> informed of the caf! of suc� speciaf ineetings sufficiently in ad�ance to enable him/her to give �he notice required by <br /> Section 5 of this ArticEe V. <br /> Section 5. Notice. Written notice of any Special Tax Boarci meeting shall be given by the Clerk to the E3oard ta a11 ; <br /> Special Tax Baard mernbers at feast fi�e working days prior to the scheduled date of the meeting and to any fn�erest or i <br /> affected party in accordance with Narth Carolina Open Meetings laws. The notice may be defivered personally, mailed to � <br /> each 5p�ciai Tax Board member at �is/her fast I<nown 6usiness address, delivered by telegrarn, or deliWered via facsimile <br /> machine. If mai�ecf, such natice sF�all �e deemed to ha�e been deliverec� when depasited in the United States Mail, <br /> properly addressed, with sufficient firs� class postage ti�ereon prepaid. If natice is given by�e�egram, such notice sha€1 be � <br /> deemed to ha�e been delivered when the telegraph is deli�ered �to the telegraph campany and th� proper deliv�ry fe� is <br /> paid. If telecopied, such notice shall be deemed to have been delivered when sent �ia facsirr�ife machine, �o the proper <br /> name and facsirr�ile numk�er. Notice of any 5pecia! T'ax 6oard meeting may be waived by instrumen� in writing exeeuted � <br /> before or af�er ti�e meeting. At�endance of a Spec[al Tax Board member at, or his/her participation in, any tneeting shall � <br /> constitute a waiver of notice of such meeting by such Special Tax Board r-r�errtb�r, except when a 5pecial Board mern�er <br /> attends a r�eeting solely for th� purpose of objecting to the holding of the meeting or the trar�sacting of any I�usiness and <br /> cEoes not thereafter vote far or assent ta action tal<en at the rneetin�, when objection shall be voiced at the beginning of <br /> i <br /> - I <br /> I <br /> I <br /> I <br /> I <br /> � <br /> � <br />