Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> . '�� <br /> I <br /> From ou�-enablirtg legislatior� (NC General Statutes): <br /> § �60A-607.1.Special tax board. � <br /> (a)�he s�ecial #ax board of an aut�ority shafl f�e com�osed of two representatives from eaeh of the counties organizing II� <br /> the authori�y appoirtted annually f�y the board af cotr�missioners of each of those counties' members at the first regular <br /> meeting there€�f in January, exeept '�ha� t�e initial mernbers shaEl serve a ter�n beginning on the date that the initial <br /> terms of the board of trustees of�hat authority begin under G.S. �.60A-605{b), and end'[ng on the last day of December <br /> of�hat year. Each rr�ember af the special tax board rr�ust be a member of the f�oard of cor�missioners of the county by � <br /> i <br /> whic� he was appointed. Mem6ership on the special tax board rnay be held in addi�ion to the affices authorized by G.S. � <br /> 128-1 or G.S. 128-�.1. Said representa�ives shall hold office from their appaintment until their successars are appointed <br /> a�d quafified, except that when any mernber of the special�ax board ceases for any reasc�n to he a member of the board <br /> of eomrnissioners of the county by whfch he was appoin�ed, he shall simultaneausly cease to be a mernber of said <br /> special tax board. Upon the occurrence of any vacarscy an said special tax board, the vacancy shalf be filEecf within 30 � <br /> days after notice thereof by the board of comm�ssioners of the county having a vaeanty in its representation. Each t <br /> mem�er of the specia[ tax board, before entering �pon his d�ties, shall ta[<e anci subscribe an oath or affirmatibrt to <br /> support the Corostit�tion and laws of the United 5tates and_ of this S�ate and to discharge faithfully the duties of his <br /> affice; anci a record of each such oath shall be fi[ec{ ir� the minutes of the res�ec#ive participating units of�[oca! <br /> go�ernment. <br /> (b) The special tax board shal� meet regu(arfy at such plaees and on such dat�s as are determined by the special tax <br /> �oard. �he initial meeting shall be caf�ed jointly by the chairmen of the �oards of commissioners of the eounties <br /> organizing the authority. Speeial meetings rnay be ca9led by the chairman of the speciai tax board on his own ini�iative � <br /> and shal! be called by hir� upon request af two or more mem6ers o�the baard. A[I members shalf be notified in writing <br /> at least 24 hours in ad�ance of such,meeting. A majority of the members di the special tax �oard shall constit�ate a <br /> quorurr�. €Uo �acancy in the rrjembership �f ttte special tax boarel shail impair the right of a quorum to exercise alI the <br /> rights and per�orm all the duties of the speciaf tax bpard. IVo action, ather than an action to recess or adjourn, sf�all be <br /> taf<en except u�on a rnajority vo�e of the entire authorized membership of said special tax baard. Eac� member, � <br /> including the chairrnar�,shafl be enti�ied to vate on any question. <br /> (c} The special tax board sha]! elect annually in January from among its members a chairrr�an, vice-ct�airman, secretary <br /> and �reasurer, except that initial officers sha!] �e elected at the firs# meeting of the special tax board. <br /> I <br /> i <br />