Orange County NC Website
5 , <br /> i <br /> '� <br /> OR�NG�CDUNTY <br /> I <br /> ;�i . <br /> l i+•;"`n:,,. ���"��`� <br /> ,�_:��:;; --✓ <br /> �::::�� <br /> De�a�t�ent of Envi��onmen�, f <br /> Agricul�u�e,Pa�ks�;Recreatifl� ', <br /> �I <br /> Nov�mbez 2], 20J.2 <br /> Donna Bal��r 1 <br /> Clerli to the Board of Coua3ty Commissioz�ers 1 <br /> 200 South Can�eron Street j <br /> Hillsboro��gh, NC 27275 � <br /> Dear ponaia: <br /> The tezz�a.s of fo�iz curre��t inenlbers of the Conainission for the Environ�ent (CFE) will ; <br /> expi�e on 1213�112: Michele Dz•ostin, Wi�liam Kaiser, Davicl NeaJ, and Tom O'Dwyez. , <br /> Twa of those fo��r n�eanbei•s aze eligible for reappaintiiien�. Miclae]e Drostin has I <br /> ii�dicatec�s11e cloes not want to l�e xeappointed (due �o other coznmitinen�s), but David <br /> Neal in�ends to rear�ain on th� CFE. In fact, ha was elected Chair on Noveniber 12. <br /> � <br /> Mr. .Neal is eli�ible for ane aciditional�hzee-veaz tea����, and I herebv request that the � <br /> Board of Countv Commissioners consider iea�poiz�tin�him ta the CFE. <br /> With the depazt�rre of Drostin,�, an.d �'Dwyer, and witl�Renee Price leavi�ig <br /> the CFE �o becoine a new cot�nty coinmissioner, and with the earlier resignatio��of <br /> Michael Hughes, tha�Fvill leave five vacancies on t�� C�'E as of J213�I12. �I <br /> "I"he CFE Meinl�ership Comnai�tee (Chair and Viee-Chair) is reviewing t�e c��rent <br /> applications to the CFE and saan anaJ�e �ecan�xz�endations ta the BOCC for the <br /> appointment of new memb�rs. <br /> Thanl�you, on bel�alf o£�lxe Co�n�nzssion for the Environment. <br /> Sincezely, I <br /> I�,�cl�Shat�' <br /> DEAPR Land Conservation Manager �, <br /> �I <br /> cc: David Neal, Chaii <br /> Jan Sassan�an,jTice Cliair �� <br /> 1 <br /> NATUR.4L and CULTURAL RESOURCES D1VIS10N <br /> Orange County Department af Enviranment, Agricultura, Parks & Recreation <br /> PO Box Sf81, Hillsborough, �1C 2727& <br /> Phone:(919)245-251Q Fax:(9i9) 644-3351 <br /> � <br />