Orange County NC Website
4 <br />Itis understood that only the County Manager/Board of Commissioners may make the <br />declaration to operationalize either of these two pre-designated emergency debris sites, <br />although staff may utilize Eubanks Road site as necessary for smaller or undeclared storm <br />events. Activationof approved sites would be based on the debris generating level of the storm <br />event, the pace of cleanup operationsand the area of the County impactedby the storm event. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: <br />There is no financial impact associated with identifying and permitting <br />the temporary debris management sites. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): <br />The Manager recommendsthat the Board: <br />1)endorse Site B - Future Northeast District Parksite(5.28 acres) and Site C - Future <br />Millhouse Road Park(expanded) site (approx.14.9 acres) for inclusion in the Orange <br />County Emergency Management Plan as temporary emergency storm debris <br />management sitesand authorize staff to proceed to obtain state permits for thesites; and <br />2)authorize the Manager to inquire with the Triangle Land Conservancy (TLC) as to <br />whether TLCwould be amenable to modifying the current conservation easement to <br />allow use of the larger northern area of Site B - Future Northeast District Park property as <br />a temporary emergency storm debris management site. <br /> <br />