Orange County NC Website
7 <br /> 1 <br /> 2 Promotion of Carrboro events in Maqazines: <br /> 3 - Southern Living magazine <br /> 4 - Our State magazine <br /> 5 <br /> 6 Other Specific Examples of Tourism Promotion in Carrboro <br /> 7 - Carrboro's art galleries, ArtsCenter & Cat's Cradle have been featured in ads <br /> 8 - Facebook promotions are added weekly <br /> 9 - Carrboro is promoted throughout the annual 15-page Visitors Guide <br /> 10 - Carrboro referrals are made daily to restaurants via walk-ins to Visitors Center <br /> 11 - Carrboro is promoted extensively in a new website, launching October 8th <br /> 12 <br /> 13 Hospitality at Carrboro Events <br /> 14 VI P hospitalitv aift baqs were provided to: <br /> 15 - Carrboro Film Festival Attendees <br /> 16 - DSI Comedy Festival Attendees <br /> 17 <br /> 18 <br /> 19 Consideration for Development: <br /> 20 (1) OWASA advises further engineering review to determine adequate water (a) pressure <br /> 21 and (b) flow required for sufficient sprinkler fire suppression. <br /> 22 (2) "Water and Sewer Management Planning and Boundary Agreement" (WASMPBA) <br /> 23 would have to be jointly amended, along with OWASA's University Lake watershed <br /> 24 restrictions governing utility extensions and connections in this area along NC 54, <br /> 25 according to Orange County's Planning Department. <br /> 26 <br /> 27 Alderman Slade thanked the County and Annette Stone for collaborating on economic <br /> 28 development. He asked about similar studies about agriculture and how much could be <br /> 29 generated with agriculture. He also asked about the process the County uses to allocate funds <br /> 30 from the '/4-cent sales tax for economic development. <br /> 31 Frank Clifton said that when the process was initiated, there were general guidelines. <br /> 32 Infrastructure is a priority. An Economic Development Advisory Board has been appointed with <br /> 33 representatives from all over the County. There is great flexibility going forward. <br /> 34 <br /> 35 <br /> 36 b) Public Water and Sewer for Business Development on NC Highway 54 <br /> 37 Carrboro's Economic Development Director Annette Stone said that this area is part of <br /> 38 Carrboro's Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. It is zoned by Carrboro. She said that this area is along <br /> 39 NC 54 and lends itself to be a manufacturing business node. It is in the University Lake <br /> 40 Watershed and there are existing buildings. Staff would like to continue to look at the existing <br /> 41 zoning and see what could be put here. She showed pictures of the existing buildings. <br /> 42 Mayor Chilton said that the issue is the modernization of the fire code and the use of <br /> 43 sprinkler systems in new commercial buildings. He said that the range of uses is very narrow. <br /> 44 He does not know the solution, but the various rules need to be discussed if there is an <br /> 45 infrastructure project that is going to happen here. He said that the reason there is no building <br /> 46 there now is because the building burned down and the Town of Carrboro did not put the fire <br /> 47 out because of the unknown chemicals on the site and washing them into University Lake. <br /> 48 Alderman O'Donnell said that the owner of the property has come before the board <br /> 49 several times with concerns about the lack of potential to bring in incubators or other <br />