Orange County NC Website
5 <br /> 1 Carrboro-based business alumni of Breeze Farm are now sellinq locallv arown produce at the <br /> 2 Carrboro Farmers Market: <br /> 3 - Cates Corner Farm <br /> 4 - Feels Farm <br /> 5 - Box Turtle Bakery <br /> 6 <br /> 7 Breeze Farm instructor qroups are also sellinq locally qrown produce at the Carrboro <br /> 8 Farmers Market: <br /> 9 - Maple Spring Gardens <br /> 10 - Peregrine Farm <br /> 11 - Perrywinkle Farm <br /> 12 - Sunset Farms <br /> 13 - Wild Hare Farm <br /> 14 <br /> 15 Carrboro-based businesses utilize the County's Piedmont Food &Agricultural <br /> 16 Processing Center <br /> 17 <br /> 18 Applicants & Clients: <br /> 19 - Clients based in Carrboro — 1 <br /> 20 - Applicants "in process" from Carrboro—4 <br /> 21 - Operate regularly in Carrboro— 3 <br /> 22 - Sell products to Carrboro businesses —8 <br /> 23 - Clients considering a Carrboro location —3 <br /> 24 - Have employees from Carrboro— 5 <br /> 25 <br /> 26 PFAP's Key Clients in Carrboro: <br /> 27 - Tempeh Girl - makes tempeh from tofu <br /> 28 - Tar Heel Creamery - gourmet ice cream <br /> 29 - Baguettaboutit - food truck <br /> 30 - Capp's Apizza -wood-fired Neapolitan pizza <br /> 31 - Vintage Bee - buys honey from at least one Carrboro apiary <br /> 32 <br /> 33 Joint Promotion of the Arts in Economic Development <br /> 34 - Awarding of Arts Grants <br /> 35 - and web sites <br /> 36 - Quarterly Artist's Salon <br /> 37 - Significance of the "Arts & Economy Prosperity IV Study" <br /> 38 <br /> 39 Orange County Arts Commission's Quarterly Artists' Salon <br /> 40 Located in the West End Theatre at The ArtsCenter in Carrboro, the "Artists Salon" offers free <br /> 41 professional development for local artists. Salon topics over the past 12 months have included: <br /> 42 <br /> 43 - Emergency Preparedness for Artists <br /> 44 - Make Tourism Work for You: Art + <br /> 45 - Shoebox Accounting <br /> 46 - Exploring Resources, Leveraging Assets, Crafting Your Path <br /> 47 <br /> 48 Awarding of Arts Grants by the Orange County Arts Commission <br /> 49 <br /> 50 Grants to Carrboro Non-Profits &Artists: <br />