Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> 1 Frank Clifton said that MI Homes does not see it viable to build a bridge to cross a creek <br /> 2 since they do not have an interest in the property on the other side. <br /> 3 Carrboro Planning Director Trish McGuire made a PowerPoint presentation. <br /> 4 <br /> 5 Discussion of Access Road — Ballentine and Twin Creeks Park <br /> 6 Joint Meeting of the Board of Aldermen and Board of County Commissioners <br /> 7 <br /> 8 October 11, 2012 <br /> 9 Key Issues <br /> 10 - Maintaining the ability of Lake Hogan Farm Road to connect between Homestead <br /> 11 Road and Eubanks Road <br /> 12 - Access road at Ballentine/Twin Creeks stubbing out to the east, as currently <br /> 13 designed, is part of the Lake Hogan Farm extension. <br /> 14 - Two viable alternative alignments planned or permitted (per Town of Carrboro); both <br /> 15 cross Jones Creek <br /> 16 <br /> 17 Approved Master Plan for Twin Creeks Park (map) <br /> 18 <br /> 19 Approved Conditional Use Permit for Ballentine subdivision <br /> 20 - Permit to cross a jurisdictional tributary is required from Army Corps of Engineers <br /> 21 (ACOE) <br /> 22 - ACOE staff have communicated that the Town is the applicant most likely to <br /> 23 demonstrate purpose and need for the crossing <br /> 24 Process <br /> 25 - Absent other action, decision on crossing to be determined as part of conditional use <br /> 26 permit <br /> 27 - Alternative process that engages property owners and others is less problematic <br /> 28 - Could be modeled on that used in discussing development agreement in 2007-2009 <br /> 29 - Once a preferred alignment was selected, Town could initiate permitting process <br /> 30 with ACOE <br /> 31 - Staff has been exploring details of permitting process to determine fiscal and staff <br /> 32 impacts <br /> 33 <br /> 34 Recent History <br /> 35 - Board of Aldermen review of Master Plan for Twin Creeks <br /> 36 - Development Agreement discussions <br /> 37 - Ballentine CUP, Modification/Rezoning and Pending Re-submittal <br /> 38 - Clarification of number of stream crossings <br /> 39 - Land Use Ordinance, Transportation/Traffic <br /> 40 <br /> 41 Commissioner Gordon asked if it would be Town policy to require an applicant to build a <br /> 42 connector road if it were not the County and Trish McGuire said yes. <br /> 43 Mike Brough said that there has been a plan for this road to go from the south to the <br /> 44 north for 20 years or more. The question is where the exact alignment will be. He said that the <br /> 45 Town of Carrboro is going to have to apply for the permit and it cannot apply for the permit <br /> 46 unless it knows where the creek crossing is going to be. This cannot be determined unless the <br /> 47 staff is directed to come back with a process that would identify where the crossing will be. <br /> 48 Alderman Slade made a motion to direct staff to work on starting the process. <br /> 49 Mike Brough said that the staff needs to come back to the board with a proposed <br /> 50 process, which the board can then endorse. <br />