Orange County NC Website
2 <br /> 1 Over the last few years, the County and MI homes have had several discussions about <br /> 2 a cost share agreement for an access road. The map shows it as Road A. It is an east to west <br /> 3 road, which begins at Old NC 86 and straddles the property line of MI homes and Twin Creeks. <br /> 4 When the road was proposed in 2005, it was before the Ballentine subdivision and there had <br /> 5 not been discussion about extending the road to the east. After the master plan was adopted <br /> 6 and the subdivision came into being, the proposed road came into focus. <br /> 7 Mayor Chilton said that his recollection is that the Town's connector road policy had <br /> 8 called for a connection from Lake Hogan Farms Road to Eubanks Road for many years. <br /> 9 Dave Stancil said that for the north/south road, the master plan discussions did include <br /> 10 Lake Hogan Farm Road Extension. <br /> 11 Mayor Chilton said that this plan is more than 15 years old and it sounded like Dave <br /> 12 Stancil was saying that the Town had only recently become involved to require that there would <br /> 13 be a connection from Lake Hogan Farm Road north to Eubanks Road. He said that this has <br /> 14 been part of the plan for 15-20 years or more. He said that his recollection was that the road <br /> 15 would go through the middle of the property that Orange County bought. It was only some time <br /> 16 after the County bought it when he raised the question that the road should go to the east. His <br /> 17 understanding was that the Town of Carrboro had planned for this property to be a mixed use <br /> 18 development. Instead the County bought the property, took it off the Carrboro tax rolls, and <br /> 19 came up with the plan for a park and school site. <br /> 20 <br /> 21 Michelle Johnson arrived at 7:21 PM. <br /> 22 <br /> 23 Mayor Chilton said that he is frustrated that it seems that the County is trying to say that <br /> 24 the Town is only now mentioning a road when the County knew about it a long time ago. He <br /> 25 said that the County is saying that the Town is not doing economic development but this is not <br /> 26 true. He said that it is a little galling to hear the County complain about the notion of paying for <br /> 27 a bridge at taxpayer expense to go across this creek when the Town's plans had always called <br /> 28 for the private sector to pay for this. The Town's plan was for the private sector to be building <br /> 29 some diversification into the tax base through a mixed use development on this site. <br /> 30 Commissioner Gordon said that there are two road issues here. One issue concerns a <br /> 31 road that goes to the east and crosses the creek. With respect to the second issue, she said <br /> 32 that when it was decided to build a school on the northern part of this property, they wanted the <br /> 33 road to go more to the east, around the school property rather than through it. However, there <br /> 34 was still a plan to have a north-south road. <br /> 35 Frank Clifton said that the real issue is that if MI Homes will or will not build a part of the <br /> 36 road or the Town does not approve the development, this will affect the building of the park. <br /> 37 Mark Chilton said that it is outrageous that the Town had a plan for economic <br /> 38 development for this property but the County bought the property. He said that one of the <br /> 39 County Commissioners, who is no longer on the Board, had the intention of preventing the <br /> 40 Town's economic development plan from moving forward. <br /> 41 Frank Clifton said that if MI Homes does not go forward with the development of the <br /> 42 road, then the park is on hold until there is an access road. If it cannot be dealt with, then there <br /> 43 needs to be a redesign. <br /> 44 Mayor Chilton said that it was not his decision that the County buy this property that <br /> 45 would need a connector road. He said that the County government frustrated the plans of the <br /> 46 Town of Carrboro and now the County government is returning to the Town of Carrboro and <br /> 47 saying that it cannot afford to frustrate the Town's plans the way it planned to do when the <br /> 48 property was purchased. <br /> 49 Alderman Slade asked about the issue. <br />