Orange County NC Website
1 <br /> 1 DRAFT Attachment 1 <br /> 2 <br /> 3 MINUTES <br /> 4 ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> 5 CARRBORO BOARD OF ALDERMEN <br /> 6 JOINT MEETING <br /> 7 October 11, 2012 <br /> 8 <br /> 9 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chair Bernadette Pelissier and Commissioners <br /> 10 Valerie Foushee, Alice Gordon, Pam Hemminger, Barry Jacobs, Earl McKee and Steve Yuhasz <br /> 11 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Valerie Foushee <br /> 12 COUNTY ATTORNEYS PRESENT: John Roberts <br /> 13 COUNTY STAFF PRESENT: County Manager Frank Clifton, Assistant County Managers <br /> 14 Gwen Harvey, Michael Talbert, Clarence Grier, and Clerk to the Board Donna S. Baker (All <br /> 15 other staff inembers will be identified appropriately below) <br /> 16 CARRBORO BOARD OF ALDERMEN MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Mark Chilton and <br /> 17 Aldermen Randee Haven-O'Donnell, Lydia Lavelle, Sammy Slade, and Michelle Johnson <br /> 18 CARRBORO BOARD OF ALDERMEN MEMBERS ABSENT: Dan Coleman, Jacquelyn Gist, <br /> 19 David Andrews, Town Manager <br /> 20 <br /> 21 Welcome and Openinq Remarks <br /> 22 <br /> 23 Chair Pelissier said that Commissioner Foushee was out of town and unable to attend. <br /> 24 Mayor Chilton said that Alderman Dan Coleman would not be here tonight and Michelle <br /> 25 Johnson would be late. He said that he appreciated that the County staff and Board of County <br /> 26 Commissioners achieved an agreement with Triangle Transit and DCHC MPO to move forward <br /> 27 with the proposal for a '/�-cent sales tax for transit. <br /> 28 Chair Pelissier pointed out some handouts at everyone's places: <br /> 29 - Information related to Access Road to Twin Creeks Park as requested by <br /> 30 Commissioner Gordon <br /> 31 - Summary of the Joint Economic Development activities for item #2 <br /> 32 - Copy of legislation related to the new town hotel tax in Carrboro <br /> 33 <br /> 34 Introductions were made. <br /> 35 <br /> 36 1. Access Road — Twin Creeks Park/ Ballentine Subdivision (MI Homes) <br /> 37 Department of Environment, Agriculture, Parks and Recreation Director Dave Stancil <br /> 38 introduced this item. He made reference to the adopted master plan for Twin Creeks. The <br /> 39 map dates back to May 2005 and in March of 2006 the plan was presented to the Town of <br /> 40 Carrboro. One thing that has changed is that the funding that was identified to build Phase I of <br /> 41 the park was not adequate to build Phase I as planned. The staff then came back with a <br /> 42 revised Phase I. In the fall of 2008-09 there was an economic downturn and this caused the <br /> 43 park to be put on hold. If this park were built in total, it would cost about $8-12 million. There <br /> 44 are no funds to construct this park at this time. Another Phase I was generated, which was to <br /> 45 create a greenway in 2010-11. This greenway was built with stimulus funds. It should be noted <br /> 46 that the greenway crosses Jones Creek. Another question in 2007-2009 was that when the <br /> 47 park came forward, what form would the approval process take. The idea was that there could <br /> 48 be a development agreement between the Town and County. This was discussed with a very <br /> 49 informal letter. Nothing was done further to create an interlocal agreement. <br />