2012-441 Human Resources - Mark III Brokerage, Inc. for Consulting & Brokerage Services
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2012-441 Human Resources - Mark III Brokerage, Inc. for Consulting & Brokerage Services
Entry Properties
Last modified
12/7/2012 9:47:43 AM
Creation date
12/7/2012 9:47:41 AM
Meeting Type
Work Session
Document Type
Agenda Item
Mgr Signed
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relationship with the employer and your satisfaction with the programs that are <br /> implemented will always be imperative. <br /> During the plan year we track the claims to look for trends and monitor the <br /> service level of the vendor. Prior to the client receiving the renewal from the <br /> carrier/vendor, Mark III will evaluate the initial experience and develop our <br /> renewal, separate of the carrier/vendor. Once Mark III has completed our initial <br /> evaluation, we will meet with the client to discuss our initial assessment. <br /> At the renewal meeting, we will compare our estimates against the <br /> carrier/vendor's using the following criteria: <br /> a. Claims activity. <br /> b. Competitiveness of the carrier's reserving philosophy. This will be <br /> determined by comparing their assumptions to industry norms. <br /> c. Competitiveness of the carrier's retention. This will be determined by <br /> comparing their costs to industry norms. <br /> d. Changes in the demographic composition of the client and how that <br /> has changed over time. How these demographics (manual rate) <br /> impact the renewal. <br /> e. How competitive/aggressive the carrier is when weighing the manual <br /> rate vs. the experience rate or visa versa. <br /> f. Industry trending factors. <br /> Based on the initial results of our meeting and how satisfied Orange <br /> County/Mark III is with the renewal, will determine the next step. If the renewal <br /> is competitive and there is not a significant financial or benefit change that is <br /> required, no action would be taken. If the response from the carrier/vendor <br /> were uncompetitive, then further negotiation would take place. If a satisfactory <br /> response from the carrier/vendor does not occur, then Mark III would market <br /> the plan in question to see if a more competitive offer can be attained from <br /> other qualified vendors. <br /> Mark III will provide budget projections throughout the plan year,to help <br /> Orange County plan for financial considerations. <br /> 3 <br />
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