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<br />said that it costs $25,000 a year to put up an inmate, and these two passible felons were <br />diverted because of the tent revival. This would more than cover the $250 fee. He asked about <br />how Hog Day works. He said that Hog Day closes off the streets and this tent revival will not be <br />closing off the streets and will be giving food away for free. <br />Chair Carey said that the Board also has same questions about the future for Hog Day. <br />This year Hog Day charged a fee for the first time ever. He said that the fee policy was not <br />designed to raise revenue, but there are some expenses associated with the uses of a <br />particular facility. The Board also has concerns about the exclusive use of a whole park. <br />Commissioner Gordan said that she thought the request was to rent the whole park and <br />not just the ball field. <br />Chair Carey said that this was one of the questions and it was not clear at the last <br />meeting. It is becoming clearer. He said that the Board will request that the Manager come <br />back with some clearer rules and regulations about the use of the County's facilities. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he was disappointed in this abstract because some of <br />these issues were discussed at agenda review. He said that in June he was opposed to having <br />a fee to rent an entire park because citizens pay taxes that are used to build parks, and then <br />some citizens would be in some way excluded when an entire park is rented out. He said that <br />the Board has also not discussed any time limits to reserving a park (i.e., three days, six days, <br />etc.). He was hoping that the Board would suspend the fee far park rental and send it back to <br />staff for analysis of the issues. <br />Geof Gledhill said that the right way to da this is to amend the budget ordinance to <br />suspend this fee. The Board can express its intent to do this and have the budget amendment <br />brought back. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that this should come back to the Board with a lot more <br />thinking. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that a major issue is whether any group can take aver a <br />whole park so that no one else can come to the park. She does not want to set a precedent <br />that will preclude addressing that and other issues that need to be addressed. <br />Chair Carey said that this is not setting a precedent, and the questions need to be <br />answered before there is another request like this. <br />Commissioner Foushee said that she thought Geof Gledhill said that the Board could <br />take action tonight to suspend the budget ordinance as it now reads until a policy can be made <br />clearer as it relates to renting parks, etc. She said that if the Board suspends the budget <br />ordinance as it now stands tonight, it would not change anything except that there are some <br />things hanging until staff brings back additional information. <br />Geof Gledhill said that by acting tonight, the Board would amend the budget ordinance <br />to suspend the fee. It would apply to all parks where the $250 applies. <br />Commissioner Nelson asked if the proposal was just for the ball field or the whole park <br />and Rev. Brooks said that the ball field is where the tent will go. The public would be able to <br />use the rest of the park. <br />Recreation and Parks Director Lori Taft said that she does not have an application yet <br />for this event. Last year, most of the activity occurred on the ball field, but there is not much <br />else in the park right now. She said that there are two fees for ball fields that were approved in <br />the past and the one most applicable in this situation would be the tournament fee, which is <br />$1001day. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to <br />amend the budget ordinance to suspend the $250 fee for rental of parks to be reconsidered in <br />light of the concerns raised by the public and the Board, including but not limited to the <br />appropriateness of allowing the rental of an entire park, use of an entire park for profit by an <br />organization, circumstances under which we might waive fees, and the limits on the length of <br />time a group might rent the facility. <br />