Orange County NC Website
<br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br />approve a contract with Summit Engineering, Hillsborough, North Carolina to provide <br />construction materials testing and observation for the Central Orange Senior Center/Spartsplex <br />Renovation; and to exempt this service from the selection process of North Carolina General <br />Statute Section 143-64.31; and authorize the Manager to sign the contract. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />5. Public Hearings-NONE <br />6. Regular Agenda <br />a. Fee Waiver Request far Tent Revival Event at Fairview Park <br />The Board considered a request for park use fee waiver by Reverend Luther Brooks and <br />the St. James Baptist Church. <br />Willie Best said that Rev. Luther Brooks came to the last Board of County <br />Commissioners meeting and asked for a waiver of the $250 park rental fee for his tent revival <br />and the Manager has recommended that the fee not be waived. <br />Chair Carey said that at the last meeting there were several questions that the Board <br />had about whether the Board of County Commissioners had the legal authority to waive the fee <br />in this case. <br />Geof Gledhill said that he and Brian Ferrell have done some research into this idea of <br />waiver requirements in the use of government property. He said that it is their conclusion that <br />the fee for the use of these park facilities was adopted by the Board as part of the budget <br />ordinance. This action of the Board did not create any waiver provisions or standards for waiver <br />provisions. He said that this creates a problem for the courts. Particularly, in this instance, the <br />Board would be waiving the fee at its absolute discretion, which is prohibited by federal courts. <br />Essentially, the whale thing turns on the first amendment and the right of free expression and <br />free speech. Any fee waiver would have to be crafted so that there was no free speech or free <br />expression problem created by the waiver policy. The only way, in his opinion, to waive this fee <br />is to eliminate the fee altogether. <br />Chair Carey said that he read Geof Gledhill's statement in the packet, and it raised some <br />questions for him. He asked to hear the public comment first. <br />PUBLIC COMMENT: <br />Marcus Morrow pastors the church, Victory in Jesus Ministries, in Hillsborough. He said <br />that it would be good to have the fee completely eliminated. He said that this event is not an <br />event to raise money, and having a fee of $250 per day would prevent the ministries from doing <br />this to the best of their ability. He said that he wants to impact the community by helping those <br />that are in need. The goal is to save and help people physically and spiritually by feeding and <br />clothing people in need. <br />Rev. Luther Brooks thanked the County Commissioners. He said that since the fee <br />cannot be waived by law, he would like it eliminated. He asked those in support of eliminating <br />the fee to stand, and about 50 people stood. He said that the ball field that will be used for this <br />revival was built in large part by the late Rev. James Stewart. This ball field is not being used <br />by anyone and is not even being rented out by Recreation and Parks because of its location. <br />He noted that there was a letter of support from the local Chief of Police, and he distributed this. <br />He said that the police department supported the event last year and there were no incidences. <br />He said that the County budget is over $200 million and he asked if the income produced by the <br />rental of parks was significant enough to make a difference. He said that this revival would <br />really make a difference in Fairview. He said that last year there was a man in the woods at the <br />revival, who had a gun ready to get even with a drug dealer, and he heard the revival and was <br />saved and baptized. There was also another instance of a man with a gun that got saved. He <br />