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<br />amount not to exceed $26,722; and authorize the Purchasing Director to execute and sign <br />paperwork as may be required. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />n. Contract Amendment Approval: West Ten Design Services; Phase II <br />The Board considered approving a contract amendment for Corley Redfoot Zack to <br />complete design of West Ten Soccer Center- Phase I I and authorize the Purchasing Director to <br />execute the paperwork. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she wanted to get a clear idea as to what Phase II <br />involves exactly. <br />Recreation and Parks Director Lori Taft said that the original master plan has not been <br />revised and the staff has been working on this, but last spring there was an increase in interest <br />in this facility amongst the soccer community, and a site plan was drawn that shows a set of <br />tennis courts and a playground. It has not been approved. Phase II includes the restrooms, <br />concession stand building, walking track, field lighting, drainage, landscaping required by codes, <br />and parking. This required additional design services. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she thought that what the Board had approved was the <br />facilities already designed. Lori Taft said that it is not an increase in the scope of the project, <br />but more in-depth services. This secondary portion is more of the construction drawings and <br />detail work that goes to the Planning Department. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked for more details to be brought back. <br />Pam Jones said that what is on this proposal is everything that has been approved in the <br />master plan. The part that has not been approved in the master plan is the master planning for <br />the tennis courts and playground. The items that are included in Phase II are already in the <br />master plan. <br />Commissioner Gordan asked that the changes in the master plan be brought back <br />separately. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br />approve a contract amendment with Corley Redfoot Zack in the amount of $105,200 to <br />complete the design of Phase II of the West Ten Soccer Center, but not to include revisions to <br />the original master plan; and authorize the Purchasing Director to execute paperwork to effect <br />the amendment. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />o. Contract Approval: Construction Materials Testincl and Observation <br />Services for Central Orange Senior CenterlSpartsplex Renovation Project <br />The Board considered approving a contract with Summit Engineering, Hillsborough to <br />perform construction materials testing and construction observation in conjunction with the <br />Central Orange Senior Center/ Sportsplex Renovation project and authorizing the Manager to <br />sign. <br />Geof Gledhill said that North Carolina laws require architectural engineering and <br />surveying services to be awarded based on the selection process -not based on money, but <br />qualifications of the professional. The law also allows for the selection process to be waived by <br />the government awarding the services in two instances - if the services are less than $30,000 <br />and under the Board's discretion. He said this proposal that the exemption of these services <br />from that selection process should be added to the recommendation. He read the language, as <br />follows: "The Manager recommends that the Board exempt this service from the selection <br />process of North Carolina General Statute Section 143-64.31." He said that this was not an <br />oversight on the part of Pam Jones in preparing this abstract, but he is asking that it be added <br />for caution because these services are marginally engineering services. <br />