Orange County NC Website
<br />Commissioner Gordan said that on the second page there is a question about alignment <br />of sewer outside of the elementary school parcel. She asked where this would go and read <br />from the abstract, "It is not clear what effect this location an the outside of the elementary school <br />parcel may have on future development of the residual portion of the educational campus that is <br />located north of Jones Creek and the Piedmont EMC power easement. Staff is seeking <br />additional clarification from the engineer and OWASA to determine potential impact and will <br />report to the Board when the easement is presented for consideration." <br />Environment and Resource Conservation Director Dave Stanch said that the map in the <br />packet does not show this, so he showed the sewer line on another map. He said that OWASA <br />has requested that, to serve future areas, there should be an easement that goes around the <br />elementary school on both sides that would serve areas to the north and east. This is <br />something that staff talked with the consulting engineers of the school systems about, and the <br />engineers were going to talk with OWASA about the passibility of deferring this item for now, <br />because the implications of this easement being on the outside of the parcel are not known. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br />authorize staff and the County Attorney to pursue easements on the Twin Creeks site as <br />described and present them for Board approval as quickly as practicable; and authorize <br />representatives from the County and CHCCS to discuss and secure easements as shown from <br />MI Homes and Glen Ridge Homeowners Association. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />i. Board of Commissioners Meeting Calendar for Year 2008 <br />The Board considered final approval of the regular meeting schedule for the Board of <br />County Commissioners far calendar year 2008. <br />Commissioner Nelson said that the retreat date is scheduled for a weekday and he has <br />concerns about this item. He said that he could not commit to taking off a day a year in <br />advance, so he will need to vote against this. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the Board used to have retreats on Saturdays and she <br />asked why they were now on Fridays. She asked how other members felt about this. She is <br />willing to come on a Saturday. <br />Chair Carey said that he has met on Saturdays before and he has also made the <br />decision to take time off on weekdays when needed. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that the last two years these were done on Fridays so that <br />staff, which includes several dozen people, would not have to take an additional day from their <br />families. Either day is a workday for him. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />approve the final schedule of regular meetings for the year 2008, with the exception of the <br />retreat on October 10t", far which approval would be deferred pending further discussion.. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />L Bid Award: Lighting at the Walnut Grove Church Road Solid Waste <br />Convenience Center <br />The Board considered awarding a bid to Tammy Lawrence Electrical Contractors of <br />Roxboro, North Carolina far installing outdoor lighting at the Walnut Grove Church Road Solid <br />Waste Convenience Center and authorizing the Purchasing Director to sign. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that all of the County Commissioners saw the letter that the <br />Solid Waste Director sent out to residents about the lighting at the Walnut Grove SWCC, as part <br />of the commitment to keep the community informed of what is being done. He appreciates the <br />letter. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to <br />award a bid to Tommy Lawrence Electrical Contractors of Roxboro, North Carolina for an <br />