Orange County NC Website
<br />f. Encroachment Agreement for Waterline Construction Associated with Justice Facility <br />Project <br />The Board approved a Three Party Right of Way encroachment Agreement among the North <br />Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), Orange County and the Town of Hillsborough <br />that allows the construction of a new 8" water line to serve the expanded Justice Facility and <br />authorized the Chair to sign. <br />g_ Granting of Sanitary Sewer Easements for CHCCS Elementary #10 <br />This item was removed and placed at the end of the consent agenda for separate consideration. <br />h. Change in BOCC Regular Meeting Schedule far 2007 <br />The Board amended its regular meeting calendar by adding a dinner meeting/ work session with <br />the Board of Health on November 13, 2007 at 5:30 p.m. at the Link Government Services <br />Center, 200 South Cameron Street, in Hillsborough. <br />i. Board of Commissioners Meetina Calendar for Year 2008 <br />This item was removed and placed at the end of the consent agenda far separate consideration. <br />L Bid Award: Liahtina at the Walnut Grove Church Road Solid Waste Convenience <br />Center <br />This item was removed and placed at the end of the consent agenda far separate consideration. <br />k. Resolution Endorsing Agreement with the NCDOT for TIP Protect EB-3606, Bicycle <br />Route Mapping and Signing <br />The Board endorsed a resolution to enter into an agreement with the North Carolina Department <br />of Transportation (NCDOT) for the NCDOT to reimburse the County for the cost to produce <br />20,000 bicycle route maps and authorize the Manager to sign subject to final review and <br />approval by the County Attorney and others to ensure that the County's policies and procedures <br />adhere to federal requirements of the agreement. <br />I. Resolution Endorsing Two NCDOT Projects to Enhance Safety and Improve Traffic <br />Flow <br />The Board approved a Resolution Endorsing Safety Improvements to Enhance Safety and <br />Improve Traffic Flow. <br />m. West Ten Soccer Center Chanae Order Reauests <br />The Board approved a change order in the amount of $118,552 that includes installation of a <br />water storage tank; use of a temporary generator; winter cover crop seeding; and spring field <br />prep for the West Ten Soccer Center; and authorize the Manager to sign and report this and <br />other change orders that may occur within the project up to the amount of budgeted funds. <br />n. Contract Amendment Approval: West Ten Design Services; Phase II <br />This item was removed and placed at the end of the consent agenda for separate consideration. <br />o. Contract Approval: Construction Materials Testing and Observation Services for <br />Central Orange Senior CenterlSportsplex Renovation Praiect <br />This item was removed and placed at the end of the consent agenda for separate consideration. <br />VOTE ON CONSENT AGENDA: UNANIMOUS <br />ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA: <br />g_ Granting of SanitaN Sewer Easements for CHCCS Elementary #10 <br />The Board considered approval of sanitary sewer easements and related documents for <br />the sewer line to serve Elementary School #10, and authorizing representatives from Chapel <br />Hill-Carrboro City Schools {CHCCS) and Orange County to work with adjoining property owners <br />to the south to secure off-site easements and authorizing staff and the County Attorney to <br />pursue and secure easements. <br />