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<br />Chair Carey made reference to the green sheet, which is the summary of a meeting of <br />the Chair, Vice-Chair, and other members of the Greene Tract Ownership group. Nothing can <br />happen on this property until the landfill fund is repaid. He said that everyone agreed to begin <br />to plan to repay the money and put it on a timeframe so that other things can be done with the <br />property, especially affordable housing. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she thought the percentages for payment were 43°I° <br />Orange County, 43% Chapel Hill, and 14% Carrboro. Chair Carey said that the percentages <br />were based more on the population at the time the land was purchased. <br />Finance Director Ken Chavious said that there is also an issue regarding the deed <br />transferring the 60 acres to the County. The County is responsible for payment of the 60 acres <br />by itself. The balance of the land is what the percentages are applied to. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that it would be helpful to break out the dollar amounts and <br />Ken Chavious said that he has that information and will send it to her. <br />Chair Carey said that he asked the Clerk to send to each County Commissioner the <br />proposed date selected for the Eno River Confluence meeting. The date is November 29t". He <br />said that this is not a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners, but the plan is to have it <br />on a date that all can attend. <br />9. County Manager's Report <br />Willie Best said that there is going to be an Economic Development Commission <br />presentation at the October 18t" meeting. <br />Environment and Resource Conservation Director Dave Stancil said that there had been <br />meetings in April and October 2006 on the Confluence of the Eno, and the idea was to have <br />another one. There are potential topics to discuss -drought, Eno Capacity Use Agreement, <br />land conservation work, transfer of development rights, Comprehensive Plan update, H2Orange <br />Committee, etc. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that having the discussion about the Eno and water issues is <br />a good idea but she would like more input from the Board as to potential topics, etc. She <br />suggested asking staff to propose agenda topics for all County Commissioners to review. She <br />would not be able to attend on November 29t" <br />Dave Stancil said that he would prepare a draft agenda and look at other dates. <br />10. Appointments-NONE <br />11. Closed Session-NONE <br />12. Information Items <br />• Proclamation of Stage I Water Shortage to OWASA Customers <br />13. Adjournment <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to <br />adjourn the meeting at 10:35 p.m. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Moses Carey, Jr., Chair <br />Donna S. Baker, CMC <br />Clerk to the Board <br />