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Commissioner Gordan said that if the Board accepts the framework an the fact sheet, <br />then the last paragraph on the sheet would be the answer to the question. <br />Phillip Boyle said that the statement of the problem should reflect the values involved. <br />There are two sets of choices. The first is deciding which value should be the driver. Secondly, <br />given the values that are not chosen, if they are represented, what should be done with them. <br />Chair Carey said that the decision is how much of each value can be captured in the <br />solution, and how this is articulated to the community. He said that it is not an either/or, but a <br />combination. Phillip Boyle agreed and said that the first question is deciding which value is <br />driving. <br />Chair Carey said that he would aim for equality because he thinks that the County <br />should serve people in Orange County regardless of where they live. Phillip Boyle said that the <br />strategic question becomes how much you want of this value and haw much you are willing to <br />give up on some of the other values to get this. <br />After further discussion, the County Commissioners moved more toward "community" as <br />the driving value. <br />Phillip Boyle said that the Board must provide a policy direction for staff with the driving <br />values. This will give staff more than just asking them to write a policy. <br />Laura Blackmon said that one of the things she will be doing today is taking back to staff <br />the vision of the community, and what the Board thinks drives and restrains the vision. She has <br />discussed the public values and choices with staff and the need to identify the values of the <br />Board, and to give the Board recommendations that reflect these values. <br />Next Steps: <br />- Feedback -reflections, observations, and implications far the board <br />Laura Blackmon said that she would like the Board to spend time developing a mission, <br />vision, and core values. From that step, she wants to move to looking at issues, needs, <br />challenges, choices, themes, categories, goal statements, etc., and trying to connect same of <br />the services with the care functions. She wants to pull the County Commissioners back in to <br />define the core functions, and use monetary and people resources to address these care <br />functions. She said that the end of this process would be the beginning of the budget process, <br />moving it up earlier next year in order to be able to budget for these functions for the following <br />fiscal year. <br />Chair Carey said that it may be passible that the County is implementing programs that <br />the County Commissioners are not aware of and they need to depend on staff leadership to ask <br />the Board if a particular program is needed. <br />Commissioner Faushee said that it is critical far the current Board to articulate a mission <br />and vision for the County. She said that, regardless of the composition of the Board in 2008, <br />there has to be a foundation on which to start governing. She said that the Manager is saying <br />that the staff relies on the Board to set the vision, and this is required for staff to be able to <br />provide what is needed to make the decisions that the public expects the Board to make. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he sees this a little differently. He said that Wane of the <br />lists include efficiency. Phillip Boyle said that there is a balance of doing the many goad things <br />with limited resources, and tossing out the "bad" things. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he wants to see all of the things that are being done in <br />the County so that they can be put into context. He thinks that the County Commissioners are <br />trying to be all things to all people to the greatest extent possible. He thinks that it would be <br />very interesting to have everything listed and see if there was anything that would be thrown <br />out. He thinks that it is very important to make an affirmative commitment on where the County <br />Commissioners are before more members are added. <br />