• Enhance quality of life (broadly)
<br />• Promote democracy
<br />Strategic Leadership for Governing Boards
<br />1. Government, the good life, and the public good
<br />2. Leadership challenges far governing boards
<br />3. Public choices, directions, and decisions
<br />The Board took a break from 2: 39prn to 2: 52ptn.
<br />Phillip Boyle said that he wants to frame and provide context for this conversation and
<br />the decision-making process piece and talk about some specific issues. He said that the
<br />fundamental purpose of government, in his view, is to make sure that the core values of
<br />democracy and the good life are part of the discussion all the time and that they get enhanced
<br />and protected rather than limited and diminished. He distributed a handout entitled, "Public
<br />Values and Choices." He said that aspirations unite and interpretations divide. This handout
<br />lists aspirations, but the interpretations -how it is done and the consequences -are what
<br />divide. The paradox in governing is that there could be no division or disagreement if there was
<br />not anything we already agreed about. The County Commissioners will often only see people in
<br />their role of coming with differences. The values also define the interpretations that divide.
<br />Public Values and Choices
<br />Phillip Boyle provided the following framework for Public Values and Choices
<br />Freedom, chaise, access, autonomy, mobility, openness, transparency, individual rights,
<br />voluntary, opportunity individuality, privacy, due process, independence, personal responsibility,
<br />self-determination, self-sufficiency
<br />Economy, efficiency, growth, productivity, profit, cost reduction, development, incentives,
<br />competition, consolidation, centralization, privatization, standardization, specialization,
<br />performance measurement, benchmarking, return on investment, market rules, quantity of life
<br />Fairness, justice, tolerance, acceptance, diversity, equity, inclusion, representation, equal rights,
<br />equal opportunity, equal treatment, equal results, level playing field
<br />Safety, security, sense of belonging, identify, connection to people and places where we live
<br />and work, attractive, appealing, healthy, aesthetics, preservation, restoration, conservation,
<br />tradition, customs, the sacred, uniformity, social and moral order, quality of life
<br />Phillip Boyle said that Liberty will trump and is a value about the individual, but equality
<br />is a value about a group. Liberty is about "I", Prosperity is about markets, Equality is about
<br />groups, and Community is about "we".
<br />There has to be a balance on all four of these issues. He said that public problems arise
<br />when individuals ar groups assign different priorities to public values in a given situation.
<br />