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<br />building inspections in that they can issue minor permits and do simple plan reviews. <br />Regarding central permitting, there have been discussions, and the staff is working forward in <br />this goal. This position would grow into a Citizen Advocate and would have more duties in the <br />future. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that there has been same resistance in some parts of County <br />government in the central permitting process. <br />Laura Blackmon said that staff has been working on the recommendation and have been <br />working with Pam Jones. She said that she will be much more involved in this process. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked for a progress report on this topic. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked for an explanation of the four positions and Susan Mellot <br />explained each position. <br />Laura Blackmon said that there is also a request to delete old classifications -Land <br />Operations Manager, Cade Enforcement Supervisor, and Permit Systems Developer. <br />Commissioner Foushee made reference to page 14 and suggested cleaning up <br />repetitive statements. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />amend the Classification and Pay Plan, as outlined in the tables in the "Background" section of <br />this abstract, to: <br />- add 9 new classes (Athletic Program Supervisor, Environmental Health Technician, <br />Staff Attorney, Water Resources Coordinator, Landfill/Transfer Supervisor, Building Services <br />Manager, Chief Inspector and Plans Examiner, Permit Systems Analyst, Permits Coordinator); <br />- delete 3 old classes (Landfill Operations Manager, Code Enforcement Supervisor, <br />Permit System Developer} that will become unused on the effective dates notes; and <br />- retitle 1 class (Finance Director to Financial Services Director} on the effective date <br />noted. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />d. Pleasant Green Woods Phase 3 -Preliminary Plan <br />The Board received the Administration and Planning Board's recommendations and <br />considered a decision on the Preliminary Plan for Pleasant Green Woods Phase 3 Subdivision. <br />Planning Director Craig Benedict said that this is a 73-acre project located in the east <br />central portion of the County. It is in the Lower Eno Protected Watershed and is in a rural <br />designated area. This is a 2Q-lot subdivision. The approximate density is about one unit per <br />3.67 acres. The lot size average is two acres. In this case, there is about 50°~ open space. <br />Robert Davis went through the pictures of the site. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that his wife is the Executive Director of the Eno River <br />Association, and he does not believe that he has any conflict of interest, but if the Board <br />chooses to vote that he be excused from this discussion, then he will abide by that. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to page 3 under Recreation and asked about <br />Chapel Hill District Park and Robert Davis said that Chapel Hill Township District Park is at the <br />very northern tip of this particular district. Commissioner Jacobs said that it would seem <br />inconvenient if someone lived in this subdivision to access Chapel Hill District Park. He <br />suggested revisiting this. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to page 23 and the recommendations from Rich <br />Shaw, who was talking about including parts of power transmission lines in the protected area. <br />He asked about the easement properties. Robert Davis said that they would be part of the <br />dedication areas to the Eno River Association. <br />The Board decided to allow Commissioner Jacobs to vote on this item. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />approve the Administration and Planning Board's recommendations to approve the Preliminary <br />