Orange County NC Website
<br />Designated Bike Routes <br />^ Mountain to Sea route enters Carrboro from Jones Ferry Road, runs down S. Greensboro, <br />turns onto Culbreth Road. <br />^ DOT and local governments jointly designate certain roadways as bike routes. <br />^ Officially endorsed bike route designations lay the foundation for the addition of bicycle <br />friendly amenities during future road improvements. <br />^ Orange Gounty does not have an endorsed bicycle plan on file with the state. <br />Current Plans- Southern SLR <br />^ Turn lane and signalization have been added as part of the high school development <br />^ Greenway from Southern Village to SLR -planned but not funded <br />^ Morgan Creek Greenway planned -under SLR at Frank Porter Graham Elementary School <br />Recommendations for Southern Section <br />Slow Down the Traffic <br />^ Reduce speed limit to 35 MPN <br />^ Impose truck restrictions (does not restrict through trucks) <br />^ Enforce speed limit <br />^ Examine possibility of narrowing the traffic lanes by 6" between Rock Haven and 15-501 <br />^ Examine the possibility of eliminating one of the two turn lanes coming off of 15-501. <br />^ Request traffic & feasibility study for roundabout at Damascus Church Road and Smith Level <br />Improve Access for Non-Vehicular Traffic <br />^ Add Culbreth to 15-501 and from 15-501 to OId Lystra Road as part of Carrboro, Chape! Hill, <br />and Chatham County's bicycle plans <br />^ Extend & line shoulders from Rock Haven to 15-501 <br />^ Add multi-use path on one side from Ray Road to 15-501 <br />^ Explore landowner compacts to provide frail access for pedestrians and bicyclists <br />Additional Recommendations <br />Investigate Orange Public Transit route opportunities; request consideration of extension of <br />Chapel Hill transit opportunities <br />Until better alternatives are provided, encourage parents to utilize school buses instead of <br />driving. <br />Finally, the task force encourages improved public transportation between Carrboro, Chape) <br />Hill, Orange County, Chatham County, and the Chape! Hill Carrboro City Schools. <br />The Task Force <br />respectfully requests that recommendations which fall under Orange County's authority <br />be referred to staff for further discussion before the end of the year. <br />PUBLIC COMMENT: <br />Lynne Bresler is a resident of Dogwood Acres off of Smith Level Road, and she has a <br />14-year old that bikes to Carrboro High School. She said that it is a dangerous situation <br />because he has to cut across to the sidewalk and there is no way to directly access the <br />sidewalk. She has talked to different people about the repaving on Smith Level Road and the <br />fact that where it has been paved for the high school, there is less of a shoulder now and in <br />