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<br />would be kept in place and a program could be established to lend County support for thane <br />types of events. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he brought this issue up when the fee was considered <br />during the budget process. He was not comfortable with it then and he is not comfortable with it <br />now. He does not think that the County has any policy to speak of and the fee idea far renting <br />the whole park for a day was a surprise to the County Commissioners. The staff was asked to <br />bring back same thinking about how this might be applied and nothing has ever come back, and <br />now there is a situation. He said that former Commissioner Halkiotis speaks very highly of Rev. <br />Brooks and he is sure that this is a worthy cause for Fairview, but he has issues of restricting <br />public use of a park, totally independent of this request. <br />Chair Carey said that the Board needs to discuss this further and if the County restricts <br />the use of a public park far a fee, then to some extent there might be a higher bar for those who <br />are less fortunate and da not have the money. He has problems with this. He wants to have <br />this discussion on October Stn <br />Reverend Brooks said that they do have a 501 (c) 3 that is non-religious, and he asked if <br />this could be used to cover the same event. He said that he would be at the October Stn <br />meeting. <br />This item was DEFERRED to October Stn <br />7. Reports-NONE <br />8. Board Comments <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the green sheets that tell whether the agenda <br />package is complete and she noted that the agenda package was totally complete. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she was at the Seymour Center recently and she gave <br />directions to some people that were trying to go to a Board of Health event at the Southern <br />Human Services Center because they did not know where to go. She suggested having <br />temporary signs telling which building is which. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the Assembly of Governments meeting is tomorrow <br />night and a solid waste item may came up. She suggested making copies of the resolution, <br />which gives reasons for why the Board of County Commissioners did what it did. <br />Chair Carey said that there is a full agenda and he would discourage getting into a <br />discussion. <br />Commissioner Nelson - no comment. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that the public market house dedication was last week and it <br />was a nice event and a nice facility. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he and Commissioner Gordon met with the Hollow Rock <br />Planning Committee yesterday and there was goad attendance. The land should be totally paid <br />far in April 2008. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he would like a report from the Farm Service Agency <br />and Cooperative Extension about what the drought is doing to the agricultural community in <br />Orange County. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he is concerned about not having an Economic <br />Development Director and he would not like to see the economic development drift and drift <br />indefinitely. He would like to know from the Manager when it will be on an agenda. <br />Commissioner Foushee - na comments. <br />Chair Carey said that he and Commissioner Foushee attended the 20t" anniversary of <br />Club Nova and the Orange County Board of Commissioners was presented with a plaque <br />recognizing the contributions made by Orange County. <br />