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<br />Commissioner Jacobs said that staff is going to give the Board presentations about the <br />options. He said that he thinks that the first reaction is that the sales tax is more regressive, but <br />it is not an food or medicines. He said that he wants more information before he excludes the <br />sales tax as an option. He also wants to discuss putting both options on the ballot. <br />Commissioner Nelson said that every time people go to the store, they would pay this <br />tax, and the land transfer tax is paid Only when a house is sold. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked for clarification on the decision points. The points on <br />page 2 are labeled differently from those on page 3. She said that, if the Board agrees, then it <br />should also approve the fifth decision point on page 3 and the schedule to November Stn <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to: <br />- State the intent to seek authority for the local revenue options; <br />- State intent to include local revenue options referendum an the May 6, 2008 ballot; <br />- State intent to appoint a Local Revenue Options Community Advisory Group; and <br />- to approve the schedule to November Stn <br />VOTE: Ayes, 4; Nay, 1(Commissioner Nelson) <br />i. Fee Waiver Request far Tent Revival Event at Fairview Park <br />The Board considered the request for park use fee waiver by Reverend Luther Brooks <br />and the St. James Baptist Church. <br />Laura Blackmon said that this item was added to the agenda at the last minute. She <br />said that when the budget was done in the spring, there was a request to approve some <br />increases and some additional fees for utilization of park facilities. The minutes were approved <br />tonight for the June 21 st minutes in which the additional fees were approved. The current <br />ordinance with the park fees is included in the attachment. The staff is working on a complete <br />County space use policy and procedures. This is a request for use of the entire Fairview Park <br />for the tent revival, and the applicant is requesting a waiver of the fees. She said that she is not <br />comfortable waiving this fee because it is a religious event and it would be difficult to collect the <br />fee from other entities. <br />Recreation and Parks Director Lari Taft introduced Reverend Luther Brooks. <br />Reverend Luther Brooks said that he has been a resident of Orange County for 52 years <br />and the Senior Pastor of St. James Baptist Church in Durham far 20 years. He said that what <br />has happened is that far the last several years they have seen young black men in Fairview <br />losing their lives, and they want to evangelize the community. He said that they feel that $1,500 <br />far six days far the park is expensive because this tent revival will not be making any money and <br />they take up offerings. He said that they have the support of the community and the food bank, <br />and they will be feeding and giving away clothes, etc. He said that they are about community- <br />building and changing lives for the better. <br />Commissioner Foushee asked if this revival could be reduced to fewer days and Rev. <br />BfOOkS 5ald yes. <br />Commissioner Nelson asked for a statement from the Attorney an the legal ramifications. <br />Brian Ferrell said that this item was a late addition to the agenda and the attorneys did not get <br />an opportunity to review it. <br />Commissioner Nelson said that he needs to know the legal implications before making a <br />decision. <br />Chair Carey asked about the payment-in-lieu and what it would mean in this context. <br />Laura Blackmon said that this is the possibility of sharing the sponsorship of an event and any <br />revenue would return to the County, but it would depend on the event. <br />Laura Blackmon answered several clarifying questions about the payment-in-lieu option. <br />Laura Blackmon said that if you start to waive fees, then you might as well not charge <br />them to begin with. If the County is interested in supporting certain types of events, then the fee <br />