Orange County NC Website
<br />Association of County Commissioners, 26 counties are putting the questions on the November <br />ballot, and an additional six counties have decided to put them on the May ballot. The Orange <br />County Commissioners have not decided on the date to put this on the ballot. <br />Regarding the financial impact of the newly enacted revenues, if voters approve this in <br />May, the revenues would start flowing into the County beginning in July for the land transfer tax. <br />The 14-cent sales tax would begin October 1, 2008 and would be distributed to counties based <br />on the point of delivery and not on a per capita. It would not apply to food purchases, and the <br />County could expect $3,031,000 annually from the %4-cent sales tax. This is the equivalent of <br />2.4 cents on the tax rate. Far the land transfer tax, the County could expect a little over $4 <br />million annually from this revenue, which is the equivalent of 3.2 cents. If the land transfer tax <br />were enacted, it would equate to $800 an a home sold for $200,000 and $2,000 on a home that <br />Was Sold for $500,000. <br />The staff has identified five decision points far the Board to consider an pages two and <br />three. She went over these decision points. <br />Commissioner Nelson made reference to the Community Advisory Task Force and said <br />that there should be two different kinds of task forces -educative and advising. He said that it is <br />not clear how this would operate. <br />Donna Coffey said that the staff attended an NCACC seminar today, and there would be <br />an educational component that would happen after the County Commissioners decide when to <br />include this on the ballot. There could also be a citizens group called together as the Board is <br />making decisions on how to use the funds. <br />Laura Blackmon said that this format has been used for bonds, but this tax is different. <br />She could see this group helping the County Commissioners with the education plan. She said <br />that this is not a large sum of money and the County is not required to share this money with <br />any entity. The County will use this to recoup some of its losses from Medicaid. <br />Commissioner Nelson verified that this task force would be an educational group. <br />Commissioner Foushee said that the advisory task force could do some of both. She <br />said that she does support having this on the May 6t" ballot as opposed to the November ballot <br />because she thinks that this would give the County time to educate the public. She is in favor of <br />the timelines as proposed since this is something the governments have requested from the <br />legislature for a long time. <br />Chair Carey said that he thinks that this group would be educational and advisory. The <br />task force is supposed to make a report to the County Commissioners an January 29~", and at <br />that point, the members of the task force could be given the opportunity to clarify whether they <br />want to continue as a part of the educational effort. <br />Commissioner Jacobs distributed a copy of the Land Transfer Tax Referendum 2008 <br />Information Kit from Chatham County. He said that this is an interesting possibility. He <br />suggested collecting information from other counties as examples. He still does not think that <br />the public realizes that the ultimate effect of the legislature's actions was to take more money <br />from counties than either one of these options could possibly give back. <br />Laura Blackman said that the Board of County Commissioners can initiate an <br />educational campaign, but not an advocacy campaign. <br />Commissioner Gordon agreed with having this on the May 6t" ballot. She thinks that <br />somewhere in the set of decision points, there should be a survey of voters to ascertain the <br />level of awareness and potential for support of these options. <br />Commissioner Nelson said that he supports proceeding with the land transfer tax on <br />May 6t" and setting up the advisory group. He does not support the additional sales tax. <br />Chair Carey said that the Board should decide on the first three decision items at least. <br />He said that the Board does not need to decide which issue to put on the ballot yet. He wants <br />to say something to the public about haw the County will use the revenues. He supports the <br />first three decision points. <br />