Orange County NC Website
<br />a separate and distinct County goal. He suggested coming back at a later time with this goal, <br />since there are differences of opinion on this subject. <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested deferring this aspect until all of the County <br />Commissioners see the comments. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Nelson to <br />ask the Planning Board to defer discussion about community building until the County <br />Commissioners discuss it, and to recognize that the revised County Profile Element and draft <br />goals, as recommended by the Planning Board, are acceptable for use during Phase II to guide <br />the completion of the remaining Elements of the Comprehensive Plan. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />g_ Lease Approval: Solid Waste Administrative Offices <br />The Board considered approving a lease for approximately 1,600 square feet of space at <br />the Courtyard at Cedar Falls on Weaver Dairy Road to be used for Solid Waste Department <br />administrative offices for approximately one year, beginning November 1, 2007 until completion <br />of the new Solid Waste Operations Center and authorize the Manager to execute the lease, <br />subject to final approval by the County Attorney. <br />Solid Waste Director Gayle Wilson said that staff is asking for authorization to lease <br />approximately 1,600 square feet at the Courtyard at Cedar Falls an Weaver Dairy Road for a <br />term of one year until the new operations center is completed. The terms are for $27,000 far the <br />year. He said that the remediation of a hazardous waste dump plan by the University to begin <br />an October 1St, resulted in a safety zone of 400 feet that encompassed the existing Solid Waste <br />Administration Building. This would require a relocation for at least four months and probably <br />longer. The evacuation zone did not quite reach the animal shelter, but it encompasses most of <br />the parking lot. The second reason for relocating is that there has been a delay in the <br />construction of the new Solid Waste Operations Center on Eubanks Road that was originally <br />scheduled to be completed in late fall 2007. Delays in the project design and permitting resulted <br />primarily from some of the innovative storm water and wastewater pretreatment, reuse, and <br />disposal segments of the project. Final permitting was obtained in late August. The staff did <br />look at other options. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br />approve a lease for approximately 1,600 square feet of space at the Courtyard at Cedar Falls on <br />Weaver Dairy Road to be used for Solid Waste Department administrative offices for <br />approximately one year, beginning November 1, 2007 until completion of the new Solid Waste <br />Operations Center, and authorize the Manager to execute the lease, subject to final approval by <br />the County Attorney. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />h. Decision Paints, Steps, and Timelines Regarding a Possible May 6, 2008 <br />Local Revenue Options Referendum The Board considered decision points, steps, and <br />timelines regarding a possible May 6, 2008 Local Revenue Options Referendum and providing <br />direction to staff. <br />Budget Director Donna Coffey said that local governments in North Carolina have <br />historically relied upon ad valorem taxes as the major source of revenue. For a number of <br />years, County Commissioners have also looked to the General Assembly to give counties the <br />authority to expand revenue options and lessen the reliance on the ad valorem taxes. During <br />the 2007 legislative session, the General Assembly finally granted counties this ability for the <br />revenue options. These include a 0.4% land transfer tax and an additional %4-cent sales tax. In <br />order to enact these revenues, counties must have voter approval. The ballot can include both <br />issues, but the County cannot enact both of these revenues. There are na restrictions on how <br />the revenues would be used. According to information received from the North Carolina <br />