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<br />Plan for Pleasant Green Woods Phase 3 Subdivision, in accordance with the Resolution of <br />Approval, which is incorporated by reference. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he noticed in reading minutes of the Mebane City <br />Council that Councilmember Greene had raised concerns about Duke Power spraying <br />herbicides an easements, and he knows that there have been discussions in Orange County <br />about this. He would like to share the information with Councilmember Greene. <br />e. Animal Services Facility -Chapel Hill Joint Planning Transition Area <br />Zoning Atlas Amendment (JPA-CH-Z-2-07) <br />The Board considered approval of the request to rezone a 5.48 acre site on the south <br />side of Eubanks Road between the Orange County landfill and Millhouse Raad. <br />Craig Benedict said that this is part of the Chapel Hill and Orange County joint planning <br />transition area. I n order to proceed with this project, it was necessary to change the zoning <br />category on the zoning atlas of Chapel Hill. This was heard at a JPA meeting and has been <br />processed through Chapel Hill. The zoning will be taken from an Office-Industrial classification <br />to an Office-Industrial Classification-1 Conditional Use. The Planning Board reviewed this and <br />unanimously approved it. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />approve the request to rezone a 5.48-acre site on the south side of Eubanks Road between the <br />Orange County landfill and Millhouse Road. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />f. Comprehensive Plan Update Phase I The Board considered recognizing that <br />the revised County Profile Element and draft goals, as recommended by the Planning Board, <br />are acceptable to be used during Phase II to guide the completion of the remaining Elements of <br />the Comprehensive Plan. <br />Comprehensive Planning Supervisor Tom Altieri introduced this item. He said that on <br />August 27t" at the Quarterly Public Hearing, public comments were heard on the draft goals and <br />County profile element. The County Commissioners referred these items to the Planning Board <br />for its recommendation. At the Planning Board's September 5t" meeting, it discussed and <br />considered all public comments and recommended revisions to the Comprehensive Plan Draft <br />Goals and County Profile Element in response. A summary of the revisions was included in the <br />abstract (pp. 2-3}. The Planning Board unanimously approved these revised goals. There were <br />two additional actions that passed. The first motion states that the Planning Board looked at all <br />of the comments from the public meetings, and the reason that the Planning Board did not <br />incorporate some of the suggestions made at the hearing is because some of the suggestions <br />related more to the objectives, which will be developed during Phase II of the process. The <br />second motion was in the form of a resolution. It relates to preserving and strengthening <br />community in Orange County. He made reference to the attachments in the packet, and <br />reviewed these by title. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked for clarification on the recommendation and that staff is <br />only asking the Board to approve moving forward with the draft goals and County profile <br />element, but is not asking the Commissioners to approve them. Tom Altieri said that the <br />Planning Board did discuss this and wanted to stress that these goals are generally acceptable <br />to guide Phase II of the process, but they will not be approved until later. <br />Chair Carey agreed with the Planning Board and its decision about the comments. He <br />said that he would defer to the Planning Board's judgment. Regarding community building, he <br />wonders if this is appropriate in this document. He thinks that this might be more appropriate as <br />