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<br />existing services. She said that they are requesting to use funds raised through registration <br />fees to support any community initiatives that might come up as a result of this forum. <br />Laura Blackmon said that this is the 3rd year that the request has been made for the <br />funds to go to anon-profit. This year, the non-profit has not been determined. She said that the <br />Board has approved this each year. She is concerned that the Board has not approved this <br />process prior to beginning to advertise and setting the fees, which are being raised. She is <br />concerned about whether the Board is in favor of doing this on a regular basis. <br />Commissioner Foushee is an HSAC board member and she said that she is not in favor <br />of raising the fees in this manner. She said that the meetings that were held on this issue were <br />held while she was attending another meeting and she was not aware of this. She understands <br />the process and the sentiment, however, she thinks that it is the Board's responsibility to set <br />fees and to provide guidance to boards and commissions in the future. <br />Commissioner Jacobs agreed with Commissioner Foushee and pointed out that the <br />County Commissioners are criticized sometimes for the registration fees being too high. He <br />wants to be as inclusive as possible, especially for the group of people that this is targeting. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the best way to proceed and whether the Board <br />should approve this and then ask staff to come back with a policy. <br />Commissioner Foushee agreed, since this event is already set. She said that the HSAC <br />has ensured that all can attend regardless of the fee. She said that this is not something that <br />the Board of County Commissioners should support in the future, because it does not sound <br />inclusive. <br />Chair Carey agreed. <br />Emily Adams said that the intent was not to supersede what the Board of County <br />Commissioners does, but to meet a community need that might arise at the forum. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />approve a request to allow the Human Services Advisory Commission to dedicate and donate <br />registration proceeds from the 2007 Human Services Issues Forum to a charitable non-profit <br />community initiative that develops in response to the theme, "Domestic Violence Hurts the <br />Whole Community". <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. Reauthorization of County Participation in the Triangle Area Water Supply <br />Monitoring Protect, Phase 6 <br />The Board considered a resolution that both amends the interlocal agreement governing <br />the Triangle Area Water Supply Monitoring Project and reauthorizes continuing County <br />participation in what is now Phase 6 of the project and directing the Manager to execute the <br />agreement. <br />County Engineer Paul Thames said that Orange County has participated in this project <br />since its inception in 1988, and the initial phase was to look at sediments in water of local <br />reservoirs, etc. After three years it was determined that the water quality was generally better <br />than anticipated. The project was reauthorized to look at different compounds and then they <br />started to move forward to determine the impact of land use and runoff on water quality. Phase <br />6 includes a mobile team that will sample the water to try and determine the impacts of runoff <br />from storm events in the streams, which then flow into the reservoirs. He said that this is a <br />worthy project, but it is getting more expensive. Orange County started out paying about $3,000 <br />a year, and it is being asked to reauthorize this project for another 5 years for $12,000 a year. <br />Laura Blackmon said that this plan will have some implications on the Jordan Lake <br />watershed in Orange County. The County has budgeted $7,000 but Budget Director Donna <br />Coffey has said that there are additional funds to cover these costs. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to <br />approve a resolution that both amends the interlocal agreement governing the Triangle Area <br />