Orange County NC Website
Commissioner Jacobs said that it sounds like a list of corrections should be sent to the <br />legislative delegation. Ja Roberson said that the NCACC, the School of Government, the North <br />Carolina Assessor's Association, and the North Carolina Collector's Association have already <br />come together once in a meeting to begin this process. <br />o Reference: Attachment 4-3 - "Senior Circuit Breaker Property Tax <br />Benefit" (affecting fiscal year 2009-10) <br />• Impacts on County ServiceslFunctions and Schools <br />Laura Blackmon said that there are two attachments -one from the NCACC and one <br />from the NC League of Municipalities. <br />Donna Coffey said that the staff is also gathering information from departments and how <br />certain items impacted County departments. This information will be compiled and brought <br />back to the Board. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said to track unfunded mandates and total it. <br />Donna Coffey asked Geof Gledhill to elaborate on child support and how the cases are <br />paid. <br />Geof Gledhill said that currently, when a County files a civil action, it does not require a <br />fee, and if the case does not require either side to pay court costs, then the court costs do not <br />get paid. A significant number of child support enforcement cases fall under this category. In <br />this legislation, if it is passed, counties will no longer be exempt from advancing filing fees such <br />as child support enforcement cases. He said that this will now become an added burden on the <br />child support program to collect these court fees. The estimate is $20,OOOlyear. He said there <br />are other things in the budget bill that may impact others too. <br />o Reference: Attachment 4-4 -August 27, 2007 Email from Rebecca <br />Troutman, tUC Association of County Commissioners <br />Laura Blackmon said that this attachment has a list of things that might impact the <br />County budgets specifically. The State legislature increased the solid waste fee $2/ton and the <br />staff is still trying to figure out the impact of this. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked if the County could access the $300,000 for private well <br />water safety program incentive funds. The staff will check on this. <br />Laura Blackmon said that she is sure the NCACC will be putting forth information on haw <br />other counties are impacted by the State budget. <br />Reference: Attachment 4-5 -August 24, 2007 Email from Lee Mandell, i1iC <br />League of Municipalities <br />This attachment was the green sheet. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to page 9 of 16, Disposition of Property, and said <br />that this was one of the County Commissioners' legislative goals right after Hurricane Floyd. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to page 11, Cell Towers and Radio Antennas, <br />and asked if the County Commissioners have the same authority that they did before. Laura <br />