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Commissioner Jacobs said that he has heard and read from the survey that many own <br />their own mobile homes but cannot move them when they are displaced. He said that there is <br />no affordable housing organization that sees providing manufactured housing as an answer to <br />affordable housing. He asked if the County precludes this as an option, or if this should be <br />considered. He asked if the Manufactured Housing Association would work with the County on <br />this. Tara Fikes said that this group would be glad to work with the County. She made <br />reference to page 52 of the book, which has a model manufactured housing development in <br />Garner. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he thinks the County is prejudiced against <br />manufacturing housing as an option for affordable housing. He wants to put it to the AHAB if <br />this is a prejudice that should be changed. <br />Artie Franklin said that he has been reading the task force report from 2001, and one of <br />the comments was the "possibility of mobile home parks purchased to be permanently managed <br />as affordable rental lots for mobile homes." Also, this might be something for the Housing <br />Authority to work on. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked the ARAB about the Rental Housing Coordinator that the <br />County helped to hire. He would like a report on this position and haw it is working. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he hopes the boards will continue to think creatively <br />about affordable housing (i.e., manufactured homes, affordable rentals, land banking, etc.). He <br />suggested having a representative of the Manufactured Housing Association at a meeting to <br />see what it might be willing to do. <br />IV. Housing Band Policy Recommendation <br />Gary Gaddy said that since the fall of 2006, the bond process has been changed from <br />being one that was scheduled to an open format where requests could be made at any time. <br />There was $2.7 million available at the time that this was written. There have been three <br />inquiries and one full application for $450,000, which was approved. Now there is $2.4 million <br />available. Tara Fikes said that one more application was received this week. <br />The second part of this item is an effort to broaden the pool of applicants by amending <br />the definition of eligible applicants to include far-profit organizations even where they were not in <br />partnership with non-profits. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that on the report part it would be useful to include the <br />number of units with the developments. He also asked about the third page and the <br />uncommitted total, committed total, and total available for land banking. <br />Tara Fikes said that a few years ago the County set aside, from the 2001 bond, about <br />$400,000 from the first round of funding for land banking. There was also some uncommitted <br />money carried over from the 1997 bonds. The initial pool for land banking included both of <br />these pieces and totaled $612,500. The County has spent $452,000 of that amount. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to Habitat for Humanity and said that if it is a <br />property acquisition for immediate development, he questions whether it should come out of <br />land banking rather than the other bond money. Tara Fikes said that the remaining bond money <br />could be used for land banking. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to broadening the pool of applicants and said <br />that she would like to know how the for-profit entities would be chosen and to make sure that <br />the County is not just contributing public money to afar-profit organization. Gary Gaddy said <br />that it could not be determined that afor-profit can or cannot make a profit. If it is afor-profit <br />entity, it will make a profit. He would want it to make a profit so that it would come back next <br />year, if the aims were accomplished. <br />Commissioner Foushee said that one of the underlying factors the ARAB considered <br />was the capacity for for-profit entities to be able to develop and do something quickly. <br />