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Blackman said that this bill as introduced would not pre-empt the County, and she does not <br />believe that they were negatively impacted at this time. <br />Willie Best said that there is an issue as to whether the towers will be allowed to be <br />continually placed around certain areas because of citizen concerns. <br />Geaf Gledhill said that this bill talks about creating a streamlined permit approval <br />process for co-location of wireless devices. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to page 4 of 16 and the changes to the way <br />landfills are regulated. She said that staff needs to pay careful attention to this item. Laura <br />Blackman said that she believes that Orange Caunty is only impacted by the $2lton statewide <br />tipping fee. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the rules for the inactive hazardous clean up fund. <br />She said that she would be interested in how this affects Orange County eventually. Laura <br />Blackmon said that the rules have not been determined yet. The Solid Waste Director is <br />involved and up to date an this. <br />Geof Gledhill said that the other hidden cost of the $21per tan is that these new <br />permitting requirements will make the landfill that Orange Caunty transfers to very expensive <br />and mare than what had been anticipated. <br />Laura Blackmon said that as the County Commissioners read through all of these <br />priorities, that they could email her if they have any questions. <br />• Medicaid Relief/Sales Tax Swap <br />o Reference: Attachment 4-6 -Medicaid RelieflSales Tax Swap Staff Analysis <br />Laura Blackmon went through this document. <br />Section 1 is the amount of money the County is expecting over the next five years. This <br />is a three-year implementation plan, with the State assuming 100°~ of the Medicaid costs after <br />three years. <br />Donna Coffey said that these are State estimates as of right now, and it could be more <br />depending an how the expenditures increase. <br />Laura Blackmon made reference to Line 5 and that the public school building funds will <br />be reduced this year by $457,024. <br />Line 7 is the loss of Article 44 Local Sales Tax and the State will take %4 cent beginning <br />October 1St. By October 2009 the County will have lost 100°~ of this sales tax. <br />Line 10 is that the County has to hold the municipalities harmless for the loss in sales <br />tax. Donna Coffey said that when the County starts holding the towns harmless the County's <br />article 39 proceeds will decrease. <br />Line 11 shows the net impact of this Medicaid RelieflTax Swap analysis. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked if the summary is that the County has perhaps the same <br />pool of funds as if it had enacted a %4-cent sales tax or a .4 transfer tax, but from that more <br />money will have to be subtracted. <br />Laura Blackmon said that in 2010 the State will assume $6 million in Medicaid, but the <br />County will be paying out $10 million in loss of revenue because of the sales tax. If the land <br />transfer tax is passed, then the County will only lose $300,000. The County will suffer most the <br />first year because of the public school building fund monies being taken away, and there is a <br />