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o Shared parking <br />o Maximum parking <br />o Interior Landscaping of parking lots <br />Amend Section 6.23.3 <br />Portion of Impervious Surface Ration (ISR) Chart Pertaining to Non-Residential uses in the <br />Upper Eno and Back Creek Protected Watersheds: <br />Allow up to a 40% ISR for all non-residential uses in 10-Year Transition areas with <br />structural BMPs (Best Management Practices} if ISR > 12°~. <br />Recommendations <br />• Hear any public comments tonight <br />• Refer the proposal to the Planning Board for a recommendation to be returned to the <br />BOCC for consideration at the October 9, 2007 regular meeting. <br />Perdita Holtz pointed out that three members of the Efland-Mebane Small Area Plan Task <br />Force were in attendance -Rabin Taylor-Hall, Tam Allison, and Noah Ranells. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to page 5, number 3, and asked how it is decided <br />which 40% along Hwy 70 is permitted for non-residential uses. Perdita Holtz explained that it is <br />calculated on a first come, first served basis. Commissioner Gordon said that there could be a <br />checkerboard effect. Residential and non-residential uses might be located in a manner that <br />could potentially have a negative impact on the residential uses. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he also served on this task force. He made reference to <br />pages 6-7 and asked why chain link fence would not be permitted an the lot of anon-residential <br />use. For example, any kennel or a commercial swimming pool would have to have one of <br />these. Perdita Holtz said that kennels were not a permitted use, but she would have to check <br />on the swimming pool. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he questions that this is overly restrictive for a commercial <br />use. He made reference to page 7, Ingress and Egress, item `a', and read, "shall be granted at <br />least one ingress and egress point per road front unless access can be provided through some <br />internal means." He said that there are other places in the text where joint driveways are <br />promoted. He suggested also saying, "ar by means of a shared driveway." Perdita Holtz said <br />that the reason it is stated this way is so that people understand that they are granted one <br />driveway, but sharing is encouraged. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to page 9 and pointed out that some items have <br />punctuation at the end and some do not. He also asked why mirrored glass was prohibited. <br />Perdita Holtz said that the thought was that it was not in keeping with the general community <br />character. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about number 7 an page 9 and why the windows on the <br />frontage side of buildings would be limited to 40% of the total building fapade. Perdita Holtz <br />said that she would look at this. He suggested adding, "no more than 40% of the total building <br />facade, unless demonstratively related to the purpose of the business." <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he does not understand number $ on page 9, and why <br />people would be precluded from having an entrance on the side. Perdita Holtz said that it has <br />to do with urban design principles and making it look like the building is oriented to the main <br />roadway instead of sideways on the lat. Commissioner Jacobs said that there might be a better <br />way to phrase it. <br />Sam Lasris asked if there was a distinction between commercial and non-residential. <br />Perdita Holtz said that the only place she refers to commercial was in saying that the zoning <br />district was Neighborhood Commercial-2, which is the official title. The reason that she uses the <br />