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<br />Geof Gledhill said that his guess is that these by-laws in their original form pre-dated the <br />open meetings requirements for boards and commissions. He said that he will work with the <br />staff on this. <br />The Board deferred action on this item. <br />t. Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance (Schools APFO) - Re-approval <br />of Capacity Numbers for Orange County Schools (Elementary Level) <br />The Board considered re-approving the November 15, 2006 capacity numbers at the <br />Elementary level for Orange County Schools. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she talked with Planning Director Craig Benedict about <br />this. She made reference to page 4 and said that almost all of the calculations have changed, <br />especially noticing the significant decrease in the capacity for Hillsborough Elementary School. <br />The total membership has also decreased from 3,072 to 3,006. She also wanted staff to double <br />check the numbers when the K-3 class size is changed from 23 to 21. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />approve the revised November 15, 2006 Membership and Capacity numbers as submitted by <br />Orange County Schools on June 29, 2007, and authorize the Chair to sign the form for inclusion <br />into the certified 2007 SAPFOTAC Report, with the provision that staff will double check the <br />numbers when class size is decreased. <br />UOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />u. Land Use Element Text Amendment - 10-Year Transition Areas <br />The Board considered adoption of text amendments to the Land Use Element regarding <br />10-Year Transition areas, as presented at the May 21, 2007 Quarterly Public Hearing. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that this is one of the methods to implement the Efland- <br />Mebane Small Area Plan and was passed by a 6-3 vote by the Planning Board. She said that <br />she has some of the same concerns as the people who voted against it, such as, if the small <br />area plan is defined in the land use element, and that it was such a big fix for the <br />implementation. She asked if there was some other way to implement the small area plan <br />without making this change in the transition area. She said that this is a fundamental change in <br />the way Orange County approaches planning and zoning if there are non-residential uses <br />implemented in the transition area. She suggested consolidating this item into the Quarterly <br />Public Hearing item. <br />Craig Benedict said that several options were examined on how to implement the <br />changes. With a comprehensive plan and a land use plan, there is a very generalized list of <br />definitions. Aland use element definition of transition still is a countywide definition, and a <br />change to have non-residential uses in what was typically a residential transition area would <br />only be activated at such time a small area plan is brought forward that is adopted and zoning <br />and text amendments that are specific to the Efland area. The Planning Board had concerns <br />about this and the application in Hillsborough. He said that it would not have any application in <br />Hillsborough until such time that a small area plan was adopted in the perimeter of Hillsborough. <br />He thinks that there are adequate protections. <br />Laura Blackmon suggested that Commissioner Gordon look at this as a process. She <br />said that this will have to go through each step. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she thought it was premature. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he has participated in this group representing the Board <br />for several years, and this is a very grassroots group. He said that the group has hashed out <br />everything that is discussed and have often challenged what the staff recommends. He said <br />that this is an area that could actually support economic development. This small area plan <br />only deals with the Efland-Mebane area and it provides the County with another opportunity to <br />promote small business. Rather than wait another year or more until the comprehensive plan <br />