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<br />authorize the Manager to sign a contract(s) with the preferred firm (s}; and direct the Manager to <br />report back to the Board in August regarding the firm{s}, costs, and the hiring process <br />timetables. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />,gg_ Budget Amendment #14 <br />The Board considered approving the budget, school and county capital project <br />ordinance amendments for fiscal year 2006-07. <br />Commissioner Nelson asked if these items were surprises and Laura Blackmon said that <br />mast are predicted and some have to wait until the end of the year to be done. <br />Budget Director Donna Coffey said that this is the most important budget amendment <br />that is done throughout the whole fiscal year. She said that none were surprises. <br />Commissioner Nelson said that he has an interest in getting items in a timely manner <br />and the County Commissioners need time to review this information because the buck stops <br />with the Board of County Commissioners. He said that there was a problem caught today in an <br />abstract and it was corrected, but it is important for the public and the press to have this <br />information ahead of time to review. He said that it is really important how people perceive the <br />County as being transparent. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />approve the budget, school and county capital project ordinance amendments far fiscal year <br />2006-07 for Housing and Community Development, Alternative Financed Capital Project <br />Ordinances, Alternative School Capital Project (Orange County Schools}, County Related <br />Capital Project Ordinances, ERCD related Capital Project Ordinances, Orange/Chatham Justice <br />Partnership Program, and Efland Sewer Enterprise Fund. <br />Laura Blackmon said that there may be issues with the audit and there will be a review <br />of this item. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she would like to discuss this item now. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to page 32 and asked about the revisions for the <br />West Ten Soccer Complex. Donna Coffey said that she emailed these to the County <br />Commissioners. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that there are three different projects related to this question <br />about transfers of Homestead Aquatic Center budget to other items. She said that there were <br />two other items that should have an asterisk to flag those items, and these are on page 39 and <br />page 42. She said that Chapel Hill did not need aquatic center funding as soon as thought, so it <br />was assigned to other projects in the tune of a little over $3 million. The problem is when this <br />money comes back. She thinks that all of the projects that have the assignment "Transfer from <br />Homestead Aquatics Center Project" should be transferred back. She said that it is extremely <br />confusing. <br />Also, on page 39, the Northern Park project, and page 42, Greenway Development <br />Reserve, there are transfers. She suggested putting asterisks to flag the items or transferring <br />the money back. <br />Donna Coffey said that these are transfers from a previously approved project. She <br />suggested putting asterisks that these are from 2001 bond funds. She said that she could work <br />with Commissioner Gordon this summer to clarify these issues. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />5. Public Hearings <br />a. North Carolina Department of Transportation, Rural Operating Assistance <br />Program (ROAP) and Supplemental ROAP Grant Application for FY 200712008 <br />