Orange County NC Website
Michael Talbert said that the County was offered a special deal to sign the contract <br /> before October 5th. He is not sure there is another clear alternative because this system is <br /> also used by the adjoining counties. It is the preferred system across the State. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that he would like to sign this contract after the meeting <br /> because there may be further information regarding suggestions or modifications from the fire <br /> departments. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br /> approve the purchase of the SunGard-OSSI E911 Computer Aided Dispatch system, authorize <br /> the Chair to sign the contract (after the meeting on October 4t"), and approve Budget <br /> Amendment#2-B. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> c. Draft Town of Hillsborouqh Future Land Use Plan <br /> The Board considered authorizing the Chair to submit a letter submitting preliminary <br /> comments to the Town of Hillsborough regarding its draft Future Land Use Plan and receive an <br /> update on the joint planning process that is to occur between the Town and County. <br /> Comprehensive Planning Supervisor Tom Altieri made a PowerPoint presentation. He <br /> said that the Town of Hillsborough and Orange County have been coordinating planning <br /> efforts for several years. Current efforts towards joint planning originated in 2005 with a joint <br /> task force completing a report identifying principles of agreement as a guide to future planning <br /> efforts. In 2006, a Strategic Growth Plan report was completed calling for the preparation of <br /> an interlocal agreement, which was also adopted in 2009. The interlocal agreement provides <br /> for the adoption of the joint land use plan, adjustments to the Town's extraterritorial jurisdiction, <br /> and adoption of zoning and subdivision regulations for areas to be covered by the Joint Land <br /> Use Plan. The Town of Hillsborough is now taking the first step towards the Joint Land Use <br /> Plan and has prepared a draft for public review. The Town held the first of two outreach <br /> meetings on September 13th. The 2nd outreach meeting will occur tomorrow morning from <br /> 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., working towards a target public hearing date of October 1 gtn <br /> followed by a Planning Board recommendation in November and subsequent Board <br /> consideration in December. <br /> The County's role is to offer preliminary comments to the Town on the draft Future <br /> Lane Use Plan as it moves into the public hearing process. The County will not be discussing <br /> specifics at this stage, so citizens are encouraged to attend the outreach session and the <br /> public hearing to hear the presentation. Planning staff has prepared a draft letter for the <br /> Board's consideration as preliminary input to the Town. This letter is in Attachment 4 in the <br /> packet on page 5. <br /> Item 7.c. <br /> October 2, 2012 <br /> BOCC Meeting <br /> Hillsborouqh-Oranqe Joint Planninq Backqround: <br /> Hillsborough-Orange Urban Transition Area Task Force (2005) <br /> Hillsborough-Orange Strategic Growth Plan, Phase I Report (2006) <br /> Hillsborough-Orange Strategic Growth Plan, Phase II Agreement (2009) <br /> Summary of Town of Hillsborouqh Next Steps: <br /> rd <br /> Second Outreach Session — October 3 , 10:00 AM — 12:00 PM at Town Barn <br /> th <br /> Public Hearing — October 18 , 7:00 P.M. at Town Barn <br />