Orange County NC Website
� 2013: Recommendation to the BOCC on plan design for 2014 <br /> Commissioner Jacobs thanked the staff for being responsive to the concerns of the <br /> staff. He made reference to the letter from Nicole Clark, Attachment C, and that United <br /> Healthcare will attend one focus group. He said that employees are dissatisfied with the <br /> responsiveness of UHC. He asked if UHC could come for an employee town hall meeting so <br /> that it is not so controlled and employees can ask unscripted questions. <br /> Nicole Clark said that she would take this to UHC and ask them. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz asked if the Board went with Option 1 if there would be an <br /> opportunity at the next renewal to look at obesity coverage and Mark Browder said yes. <br /> Frank Clifton said that the employees he met with as part of the Employee Relations <br /> Committee were concerned about the cost of the obesity benefit. The employees would like <br /> the County to take steps to encourage these people to change their health habits and/or <br /> provide a wellness program before this benefit is implemented. <br /> Commissioner Foushee asked if the personnel ordinance reflects what the law requires <br /> in terms of eligibility for County Commissioners for retiree health insurance. The employees <br /> have to have 20 years of service to be eligible and the County Commissioners only have to <br /> serve for eight years. This is not equitable in her opinion. The law requires a minimum of ten <br /> years of service before the County Commissioners are eligible. The ordinance should reflect <br /> this. <br /> John Roberts said that there have been no modifications to the ordinance, but they are <br /> forthcoming. The statute states that it applies to any class of former officers and employees of <br /> the County. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that the Board should discuss the time requirement for <br /> Board of County Commissioners for eligibility. He thinks that the requirement should also be <br /> 20 years for the County Commissioners, just like it is for employees. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Hemminger to approve a 20-year requirement for County Commissioners to be eligible for <br /> retiree health coverage. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Foushee to approve the renewal of the fully-insured health insurance plans with <br /> UnitedHealthcare, choosing Option 1, with an overall premium increase of 8.51%. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> b. Approval of the Purchase of SunGard-OSSI E911 Computer Aided Dispatch <br /> Svstem and Budqet Amendment# 2-B <br /> The Board considered approval of the purchase of the SunGard-OSSI E911 Computer <br /> Aided Dispatch system as recommended by the Emergency Services Workgroup; and <br /> approval of Budget Amendment#2-B and authorizing the Chair to sign. <br /> Michael Talbert said that the current CAD system is now 20 years old and this <br /> equipment has been reviewed by the Emergency Services work group and the Emergency <br /> Services consultant. The CAD system that has been ordered will take about 12 months to <br /> implement. The initial budget was $640,000, but more money has been moved into the 911 <br /> fund, and the appropriation would will $485,478 from the E911 Fund for this equipment. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> Peter Hallenbeck read a prepared statement. <br />