Orange County NC Website
pi�y s�„��y <br /> � 400 Employees responded <br /> � 73% POS plan participants <br /> � 96.6% of POS participants are very familiar or somewhat <br /> familiar <br /> � 23% HDP plan participants <br /> � 94.2% of HDP participants are very familiar or somewhat <br /> familiar <br /> � 76% participated in the health assessment <br /> � 95% would like to have $0 generic co-pays <br /> � 29% would like to reduce prescription costs <br /> � 22.8% would like plan improvements, if premiums remained the same or <br /> decreased <br /> � 34.3% would require employees to improve or maintain good health through <br /> smoking cessation and setting weight loss goals <br /> Renewal Observations: <br /> o The UHC Renewal is very competitive, based on the County's claims. <br /> o Looking to transition to another carrier will have a nominal financial <br /> impact. <br /> o Self-funding doesn't provide the County with any savings. <br /> o As noted, there are benefits additions that are being recommended. <br /> o Adding the obesity coverage would increase rates by nearly 4%, while <br /> only a few would utilize the benefit. <br /> Tabl�s wid�specfic amountsirates are inco►porated byreference. <br /> Rl�xt St� <br /> nd <br /> � October 2 : BOCC considers and approves the 2013 Employee Benefits <br /> Package <br /> th <br /> � October 9 : HR Staff begins education process for employees and retirees <br /> nd th <br /> � October 22 — November 4 : Online Open Enrollment <br /> th nd <br /> � October 29 — November 2 : Mark III and HR Staff conduct numerous open <br /> enrollment meetings <br /> � December 2012: Educational and Focus Group Meetings Begin <br /> �� UnitedHealthcare <br /> � Self-funded plan design <br />