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Jeff Charles, OUT Board member and advocate for bicycles, said that he is here for the <br /> Rural Road Safety Coalition. He said that he has noticed a significant increase in hostility and <br /> frustration between motorists and cyclists over the last couple of years. This has led to <br /> dangerous situations on the roads. He said that this group of concerned cyclists and motorists <br /> have come together to prepare some common sense guidelines for motorists and cyclists. <br /> They are asking the County Commissioners to endorse these guidelines. <br /> Jessica Gerry spoke on behalf of Carrboro Planning Board and announced a series of <br /> open dialogues for the public on October 15tn 24tn and 30th on affordable housing. <br /> Don O'Leary read part of the United States Constitution. He said that Woodrow Wilson <br /> agreed to commit high treason and sign the Federal Reserve Act, creating an IRS. He said <br /> that the IRS has been in control of this nation ever since. He said that the IRS deliberately <br /> created the Great Depression. He said that there is a shift of the power to the United Nations. <br /> He said that the last hope is for the local governments to use sovereignty to dismantle out of <br /> the control of the government and start new. <br /> b. Matters on the Printed Aqenda <br /> (These matters were considered when the Board addressed that item on the agenda <br /> below.) <br /> 3. Petitions by Board Members <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that he would like to petition and set up an alternative <br /> sentencing work group to plan for a new jail. The judges, District Attorney, Public Defender, <br /> and other members of the criminal justice system should be a part of this work group. He said <br /> that the example of the Emergency Services Work Group is a good model. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz seconded Commissioner Jacobs' request. <br /> 4. Proclamations/ Resolutions/ Special Presentations <br /> a. lan Finley, 2012 Piedmont Laureate — National Arts & Humanities Month <br /> The Board was introduced to dramatist lan Finley, the 2012 Piedmont Laureate, and <br /> heard a brief selection from him for National Arts & Humanities Month (October). <br /> Staff Support for the Arts Commission Martha Shannon said that October is National <br /> Arts and Humanities Month. She introduced lan Finley, a dramatist, as the 2012 Piedmont <br /> Laureate. <br /> lan Finley said that he has had the chance to interact with many arts groups throughout <br /> Orange County. He is writing a new play, Up from the Ground, based on his interactions with <br /> these arts groups and explores the food waste of the piedmont. He said that he has spoken <br /> with Noah Rannells at the Processing Center, which has opened his eyes to the value and <br /> importance of food. <br /> 5. Consent Aqenda <br /> • Removal of Any Items from Consent Agenda <br /> None <br /> • Approval of Remaining Consent Agenda <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner Yuhasz <br /> to approve the remaining items on the consent agenda. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />