Orange County NC Website
Understood and agreed to and effective as of the date written above, by: <br /> Orange County <br /> Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization <br /> Research Triangle Regional Public Transportation Authority, <br /> By: <br /> Bus and Rail Investment Plan <br /> Craig Benedict said that the changes were addressed from the June 5th motion and <br /> the latest version from last week. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that on page 21 of the agenda materials, there is <br /> something wrong with the map and it should be changed. <br /> Commissioner Gordon made reference to page 27 of the agenda materials. To verify <br /> the dollar amounts for the financial data in the Plan, she read the following amounts and totals <br /> into the record. The dollar amounts are in "year of expenditure dollars". <br /> The Light Rail Capital costs are $418.3 million and the Light Rail Operations costs are $59.1 <br /> million. The total for light rail is $477.4 million. <br /> The cost for MLK Bus Lanes is $24.5 million. <br /> Miscellaneous Bus Capital Projects will cost $6.7 million, the cost for Buses purchased is $17.6 <br /> million, and Bus Operations will cost $106.8 million. The total for these three bus investments <br /> is $131.1 million. <br /> The Hillsborough Intercity Rail Station will cost $8.9 million. <br /> Finally, the amount of debt service payments through 2035 will be $19.2 million, and most if <br /> not all of these payments will be used for light rail. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that he thinks that the investment in light rail is a mistake. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Jacobs to approve the bus and rail investment plan with the changes suggested in the latest <br /> document included with the agenda materials, and to authorize staff to make non-substantive <br /> changes. <br />