Orange County NC Website
Agreement or by any Orange County resident, group or organization. Recommendations for a <br /> change or revision shall be submitted to the General Manager of TTA, who shall forward the <br /> recommendation to the SWG for its review, consideration and advice. The SWG shall fully <br /> consider any recommendation for change in the Plan and report back to the Parties. The report <br /> of the SWG shall include its opinion on the recommended change along with the <br /> recommendation itself. In the event that the three SWG voting members cannot agree on a <br /> shared opinion of any recommended change, then both majority and minority perspectives on <br /> the recommended change may be provided to the Parties. Additionally, any citizen or group <br /> may submit its opinion on the recommended change to the Parties as well. <br /> 15. Any proposed material change to the Plan shall be effective only upon its approval <br /> by each and every Party to this Agreement, namely the Orange BOCC, the DCHC, and TTA. <br /> 16. Any proposed change to the Plan shall be deemed non-material unless it involves <br /> one of the following: <br /> (A) An annual increase or decrease in total revenues from the Plan revenues <br /> (sales tax revenues, vehicle registration fee revenues, and rental vehicle tax <br /> revenues) of 5% or more; or <br /> (B) An annual increase or decrease in the project capital cost (including financing) <br /> of the LRT project in the Plan of 10% or more prior to entering final design <br /> and 5% or more thereafter; or <br /> (C) An annual increase or decrease in the overall project operating costs of the <br /> LRT project in the Plan of over 5% or more; or <br /> (D) An annual increase or decrease in the overall funds provided for bus service in <br /> the Plan of 5% or more; or <br /> (E) An annual increase or decrease in the funds provided to Orange, the Chapel <br /> Hill/Carrboro/UNC Partnership, or TTA for bus service of more than 5% of the <br /> amount provided in the Plan or more than $300,000, whichever is greater. <br /> A proposed elimination or addition of any fixed guideway capital project shall be considered a <br /> material change to the Plan. <br /> 17. Any proposed change to the Plan that is deemed non-material shall be effective only <br /> upon its approval by the Orange County Manager, the Planning Manager of DCHC, and the <br /> General Manager of TTA. Any change whether material or non-material must be evidenced by a <br /> written document signed by all Parties. <br /> 18. The term of this Agreement shall be from the date first above recorded to and <br /> including June 30, 2035. Upon its expiration the Agreement may be renewed upon mutual <br /> agreement of the Parties. The Agreement may be modified as needed upon mutual agreement <br /> of the Parties and may be terminated upon mutual agreement of the Parties or by either of the <br /> Parties upon a material breach by the other Party. Any modification must be in the form of a <br /> written agreement signed by all Parties. <br />