Orange County NC Website
Metropolitan Transportation Plan, and more frequently as reasonably requested by a Party, the <br /> full Plan shall be reviewed in detail and assessed for any significant changes to the estimated <br /> revenues, to the estimated project or service delivery costs, to project or service priorities <br /> therein, to state or federal transit programs or regulations, to success in securing state and <br /> federal financial support for the rail and bus projects in the Plan, or any other significant change <br /> of circumstance impacting the Plan. This review which shall be conducted as set forth below, <br /> and recommended changes to the Plan may be advanced as deemed necessary. <br /> 10. The Parties agree to develop appropriate benchmarks and timeline to evaluate <br /> progress in gaining federal and state financial support for the LRT project in the Plan during the <br /> four years following execution of this Agreement, to incorporate these benchmarks and timeline <br /> into the Plan during the first four year review, and to use these benchmarks and timeline in the <br /> reviews set out in paragraph 9 above and in paragraph 13 below. <br /> 11. In preparation for the full Plan review set out in paragraph 9 above,TTA will <br /> convene a Staff Working Group ("SWG") made up of a voting member and an alternate member <br /> from each of the three Parties. The Orange County Manager shall designate the member and <br /> alternate from Orange, the Planning Manager of DCHC shall designate the member and <br /> alternate from DCHC, and the TTA General Manager shall designate the member and alternate <br /> from TTA. These SWG members and alternates shall work collaboratively in developing and <br /> preparing the respective report to the Parties. The SWG may also meet from time to time as <br /> they deem useful to discuss developments and status of the various transit projects and <br /> services under the Plan and to give TTA comments and feedback on the draft annual reports <br /> referenced in paragraph 4 above. <br /> 12. If any meeting of the SWG has local urban, rural or regional bus service in Orange <br /> County as a part of its agenda, then representatives from CHT, OPT, other bus transit providers <br /> in Orange County, and from the towns of Hillsborough and Mebane shall be invited to <br /> participate in the meeting. The SWG members shall work openly and collaboratively with these <br /> other parties in considering the status and impacts of possible bus service changes to the Plan. <br /> The SWG members and the other parties shall strive to reach consensus recommendations for <br /> any changes in bus services provided under the Plan in light of their shared interest in <br /> maximizing the effective use of scarce transit funding <br /> 13. Eight years after the date of execution of this Agreement, the Parties agree to assess <br /> if the New Starts application for the LRT project in the Plan is still in the federal pipeline for New <br /> Starts rail projects and making reasonable progress to receive federal funding and whether the <br /> LRT project remains under consideration for state funding. If either funding opportunity is no <br /> longer available the Parties agree to work collaboratively to develop an Alternative Bus and Rail <br /> Investment Plan which reflects this fact and sets out revised funding for transit projects and <br /> services. <br /> 14. Recommendations for change to the Plan may be made by a Party to this <br />